Openreach Big Bold Plan, Raspberry Pi Crontab Every 5 Minutes, Articles C

These documents provide standards for the construction of all infrastructure and the proper plan documentation to submit for approval and permit for the construction of such facilities. The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this Chapter: 1. The plan provides for signs that meet the size and height limitations, location requirements, and other applicable requirements of Chapter 6 of this Code. Approval Criteria. xi. New development must maintain small town character, look and feel of community. The City Council has responsibility for hearing and taking final action on the following procedures described in this Code. The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. An application shall not be considered as officially submitted or filed until it is determined to be complete as specified below. Corner side yard. The purpose for such registration and determination is to assist City Staff in their review of the applicability of Chapter 245 or 43.002 to a particular project. The channel of a river of or [sic] other watercourse and adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. Build-to Line. Shopping Center. If the letter P appears for a sign type in a column, such sign is allowed only with prior permit approval in the zoning districts represented by that column. No buffers shall be required for property in the Downtown Overlay District although some landscaping and buffering standards may apply per the conditional use permitting process. Stormwater Management. This district is intended to provide for various types of residential development, including conventional single and two-family residences and higher density residences, such as triplexes, townhomes, garden homes, condominiums, and apartments. The applicant filed an application as provided in Texas Local Government Code chapter 245 prior to adoption of the regulations pursuant to which vested rights are claimed, that the regulations which are the basis for the claim of vested rights are not subject to an exemption as provided in Texas Local Government Code 245.004 and that the project has not become dormant as defined in Texas Local Government Code 245.005 and this Chapter. A yard extends along a lot line, and to a depth or width specified in the yard requirements for the zoning district in which such zoned area is located. Lots have an Impervious Cover limitation that is part of the Max Lot Coverage. Density, Residential. In the event the City Administrator requests additional information for consideration of an application, the applicant shall be notified in writing within the required time period of specifically what information must be submitted in order to complete the review of the application. 1. Subdivisions and plats of land shall be reviewed using the criteria specified or referenced in State Law. Typical uses include bowling alleys, billiard parlors, ice and roller skating rinks, penny arcades, electronic video games, and indoor racquetball courts. Drainage system including drainage easements, culverts, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping. A conditional use application follows the same procedures as a rezoning application, The Planning and Zoning Commission will review an application for conditional use with consideration of the following criteria, which may exceed the standards prescribed in Chapter 6, Site Development Standards: A. Low Density Residential (SF1). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL USE TYPES. That there is a financial or economic hardship. Subdivision means the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, sites, or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or of building development provided that this definition of a subdivision shall not include a bona fide division or partition of agricultural land not for development purposes. The area of a sign face (which is also the sign area of a Wall Sign or other sign with only one face) shall be computed by means of the smallest square, circle, rectangle, triangle, or combination thereof, that will encompass the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed, but not including any supporting framework, bracing, or decorative fence or wall when such fence or wall otherwise meets Code regulations and is clearly incidental to the display itself. 3. An application for Consent Agreement Approval may be approved subject to compliance with requirements of a Consent Agreement. Conservation practices or systems of practices and management measures that control soil loss and reduce water quality degradation caused by nutrients, animal waste, toxicants, and sediment. C. The landowner or developer of a site development shall post fiscal surety, as provided below, to assure completion of all construction required under this Code following issuance of the site development permit. 3. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. No variance shall be granted unless the City Council finds all of the following: 1. B. Payment of a fine shall be considered admission of a violation for the purposes of a repeat violation. If, within fourteen (14) days, the responsible party fails to contact the City Administrator in writing, bring the sign into conformance with this Code, or apply for a permit for the sign, the City Administrator shall have the sign removed or impounded without further notice, and/or shall fine the owner on a daily basis as set forth within this Code. However, the absence of such a statement shall not be determinative as to whether the ordinance is or is not exempted. For new developments or remodels of existing developments, off-street parking shall be provided according to the parking requirements found in Chapter 5 and 6 of this Code. Repair of trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements, and similar heavy equipment. 2. C. The City Administrator will first determine that the application does not request a written interpretation that is already clear in this Code or that the application could more appropriately be decided through another procedure in this Code. Lot design standards within the Liberty Hill City limits are categorized by Zoning District. Such resolution shall be incorporated as an Appendix to this Code. The location and design of curbcuts and ramps shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act ramp standards and shall avoid crossing or funneling traffic through loading areas, drive-in lanes and outdoor trash storage/collection areas. B. A project developed pursuant to a subdivision or site plan, proposed to be developed in sections. Side Yard, Corner. Any dedicated area where a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, road, avenue, alley or other vehicular use facility is or will be constructed for public use. The temporary use shall not endanger or be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to property or improvements in the immediate vicinity of the temporary use, given the nature of the activity, its location on the site, and its relationship to parking and access points. Our service delivery philosophy is best described as: . Duplex. CONSUMER CONVENIENCE SERVICES. Also, the area between the lot line and the building setback line. However, the minimum setbacks shall remain for at least one side of the lot. 2. Lot Coverage. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale of food (with incidental sale of beer and wine) or household products for home consumption. Boarding, breeding or raising of horses not owned by the occupants of the premises or riding of horses by other than the occupants of the premises or their nonpaying guests. Regulations on commercial development should be intelligently crafted, so as to encourage economic development by providing predictability, continuity, and protection for investments that would be enhanced by orderly and attractive growth. The floor area of structures devoted to bulk storage of materials, including, but not limited to grain elevators and petroleum storage tanks, multilevel storage racks shall be determined on the basis of height in feet, i.e., ten (10) feet in height shall equal one (1) floor. Except as otherwise defined herein, any sign with a valid permit that was erected or displayed prior to the effective date of this subchapter, or any subsequent amendment hereto, and does not conform with one or more of its provisions. Lot, Through. That the conditions that create the need for the variance do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. Upon request of the applicant or property owner, the obligation to dedicate or improve thoroughfare rights-of-way or to make intersection improvements imposed on an application may be deferred to a later stage of the development process. A. Applicability. A sign (made of any material) that is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences or other objects, with the subject matter appearing thereon not being applicable to the use of the premises upon which such sign is located. Other activities, including outdoor processing of materials, storage of materials, and display of products are subject to conditional use standards for potential nuisance mitigation. Establishments engaged in undertaking services such as preparing the human dead for burial and arranging and managing funerals. Nonrenewable Resources. A sign displayed inside a building that is not within five feet of windows or doors. Snipe Sign. Uncovered and unenclosed decks, porches, landings, balconies, and stairways (the portion of which is less than thirty [30] inches above grade). Gross Floor Area. D. All Nonconforming Signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. Streets including alleys, bridges and street lighting, rights-of-way, sidewalks, signalization. There must be a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by a new development and requirements placed on the property owner or applicant for new development to dedicate and improve off-site, abutting and internal street rights-of-way to City standards. Floodplain and areas designated for stormwater detention and retention shall not be included in density calculations. The Planning and Zoning Commission may conduct workshops to informally discuss the Annual Update Requests with interested neighborhoods, developers, homebuilders, design professionals, and other stakeholders in the development process. G. Multifamily Residential (MF2). However, these lot standards shall apply to areas previously outside the City limits after they are incorporated and then . The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the ground to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. 3. 6. The City Administrator is responsible for final action on Administrative Plat Reviews. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (ATTACHED). The City Administrator may call upon officials of the City, including the City Engineer, City Building Inspector, or other appropriate City employees, to furnish him with such information or assistance as he may deem necessary for compliance with and enforcement of this Code. E. Any hardwood tree 19" [in] diameter or larger shall require Planning and Zoning Commission Approval before removing. Corners of all lots, block corners, street right-of-way P.C.s and P.T.s shall be marked with corner markers. Any variance request up to ten (10) percent of any minimum or maximum measurement required by this Code may be treated as an Administrative Exception if the City Administrator agrees to recommend the Administrative Exception. B. (Supp. Side yard setbacks are measured from the side lot line with no vertical obstructions within the setback. The Mayor and City Council for the City of Liberty Hill. If no alternative resolution of the dispute can be agreed to by both parties, or if a party is not participating in good faith, the mediator may declare an impasse. C. Statutory Vested Rights. The act of exploring for or recovering stone, soil, peat, sand, gravel, limestone, coal, granite or other mineral resources from the ground for sale or for use off the property where it is recovered; it does not include removal of loose, surface stone, excavation related solely to agricultural activities or preparation of individual building sites. 20% of the land with a gradient of more than 25% and not more than 35%. Postal Facilities. The overburden and reject materials as piled or deposited during surface mining. It is the responsibility of an applicant to provide accurate and complete information and plans to comply with the requirements of this Code and all applicable laws and regulations. As used in this Ordinance Code [sic], plat shall be a map of a tract of land showing boundaries of individual lots, outlots, parcels, and outparcels, and streets, easements and rights-of-way prepared in accordance with this Ordinance Code [sic] as an instrument for recording in the official Public Records of Williamson County. J. Facilities provided by an establishment or place of business for the purpose of allowing a customer or patron to transact business, whether it be pick-up, drop-off, ordering, or service, from a motor vehicle. The period must have a time limit, not to exceed ninety (90) days. Residential Energy Code Forms; . Lot, Corner. When the City Council determines there is a failure to comply with any term, condition, or requirement that was a condition of the approval of a variance or special use permit, the City Council may direct the City Administrator, City Attorney, or another agent or official to suspend the variance or special use permit pending compliance with the terms, conditions, or requirements under which the variance or special use permit was approved. June. These signs may not be erected prior to approval of a site plan and must be removed within seven days after the completion of the project; 8. Exceptions to these requirements include the following: 1. All new territory hereinafter annexed to the City shall have the Agriculture (AG) zoning district classification. LOCAL UTILITY SERVICES. 2. Dwelling units are concentrated in a selected area or selected areas of the development tract in order to provide natural habitat or other open space uses (including agriculture) on the remainder. In cases of partial destruction by fire or other causes, not exceeding fifty (50) percent of its value, the building inspector shall issue a permit for reconstruction. H. Reinstatement of a lapsed approval shall require the applicant to pursue the same submittal and to obtain approval as an original application. Outdoor display and storage shall be allowed in nonresidential districts provided that the storage does not result in a safety hazard to subject property, adjacent property, pedestrians, or vehicles. C. No building permit or certificate of occupancy may be issued for any parcel or tract of land until such property has received final plat approval and is in conformity with the provisions of this Code, the plat has been recorded, public improvements have been accepted by the City (if applicable), and no private improvements will take place or be commenced except in conformity with these regulations in this Code. Whenever the requirements of this Code are in conflict with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the requirement that is most restrictive or that imposes higher standards as determined by the City Council will apply. Moving Message Board. E. Promote and incentivize water conservation practices. Applications submitted to the City for consideration of a permit for construction. No yard for one lot shall be considered a yard for another lot as well, except in planned developments. Water system including utility easements, water distribution lines, fire hydrants, valves, pumps, and water towers in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; C. Sanitary sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; D. Drainage system including drainage easements, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping; G. Utilities for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; H. Gas, cable television and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. These signs must be removed within seven days after the property is sold or leased; 3. Time and Temperature Sign. Existing Sign. Preliminary Yield is the number of residential units can fit on the Developable Land. To ensure the long term maintenance of installed stormwater management systems a, Procedure for Public Improvement Plan Submittal, Covenant to Maintain Storm Water Management System, Erosion and Sediment Control Manual (long download - 4.6 MB), Process - Petition for Dedication of Public Easements, Process - Petition for Vacation of ROW and Disclaimer of Utility Easements, Petition - Disclaimer of Utility Easement, Design Criteria & Technical Specifications. Floodway Fringe. Any sign erected at a private residence identifying its address or the residents name. H. Manufactured Housing (MH1). I. Also see grade elevation and grade-related terms. B. Real Estate Sign. Building Height. A Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan prepared by the Soil Conservation District. Upon completion of installation and construction of all required improvements, the developer may seek acceptance of all public improvements by the City by submitting the required number of copies of as-built plans and a one year maintenance bond in an amount as specified at the time of final plat submittal. Guarantee of Performance. F. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Trees that must be moved during a fire prevention operation. All text amendments shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Responsibility for Final Action. Prohibited Home Occupations. Sidewalk or Sandwich Sign. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. A permitted sign erected on property in conjunction with a particular use that has been discontinued for a period of 30 days or more. All public hearings shall follow the procedures set forth by the City of Liberty Hill. 1 . The City Administrator shall consider any other conditions that may arise as a result of the temporary use. Development and permit application fees shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. Standards within base zoning districts and overlay districts may be slightly different than those standards found within this Chapter. In making the required findings, the City Council shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, the existing use of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed development, the possibility that a nuisance may be created, and the probable effect of such variance upon traffic conditions and upon public health, convenience, and welfare of the vicinity. That boundary of a lot that is along an existing or dedicated public street, or, where no public street exists, is along a public way. Nursery, Commercial and/or Gardening Supplies Sales. Neighborhood Commercial/Retail (C1). Any land developed or undeveloped, reserved or dedicated, as yards, parks, landscaped green areas, and recreational areas, and is exclusive of areas developed for off-street parking, structures and streets. A space within the main building or on the same lot which that [sic] provides for the standing, loading, or unloading of trucks or other vehicles. Agricultural Activity. F. The City Engineer may not approve a Construction Plan that does not adequately represent construction of the approved infrastructure and public improvements included in the approved administrative or preliminary plat, or that he knows does not comply with this Code or other applicable law. Whenever there appears to be an uncertainty, vagueness, or conflict in the terms of the Code, the City Administrator, in consultation with the staff, city engineer, or city attorney, as may be appropriate, shall make every effort to interpret the Code in such a way that it fulfills the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC. Sign Area. The parkland shall be dedicated to the city by general warranty deed, and acceptable evidence of clear title and evidence that all taxes have been paid shall be furnished by the city. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. Typical uses include hotels, motels and inns. Surveys and plats submitted for review and Flood Elevation Certificates are required to be referenced to NGVD. A summons or notice to appear in answer to a charge of parking, standing or stopping in violation of this section shall be issued on the official form prescribed by the City of Liberty Hill. B. B. Download PDF file King's Hill Historic District Design Guidelines (2001) 6.53 MB. Appeals of administrative decisions may only occur after a final decision by the City Administrator. The standard is measured in decimal numbers, not percentages. The purpose of this section is to regulate outdoor lighting in order to reduce or prevent light pollution in the City. A. Building Permits - Nothing in this Code shall require any change in plans, construction, size or designated use of any building, structure or part thereof that has been granted a building permit prior to the effective date of this Code, or any amendment to this Code, provided construction shall begin consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceed to completion in a timely manner. Normally, the area is landscaped or kept in open space use. Best practices in the planning and land development professions. Uses within this district are not compatible with residential areas and neighborhood commercial uses. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. In the event the City Council fails to make a ruling on the variance within sixty (60) days from the date the application for variance is filed, the application for variance shall be deemed denied. A. Enclosed Storage. The stop order or restraining order stopping development must indicate the reason for stopping the activity. The City Engineer must be a registered professional engineer, licensed by the State of Texas and competent in the design and review of land development and urban public works. The average depth of any lot shall not exceed four times the average width of the lot. Shore-dependent recreation facilities or activities provided by public agencies which that [sic] are available to the general public. The BOA has the powers and duties of a BOA in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code 211.008. Adult Theater means a business that primarily exhibits motion pictures that emphasize specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. The City Administrator shall take action on or before the applicable one of the following dates: i. Fourteen days after the submission of a complete application if the application is for existing buildings; or. Applies to a Certificate of Design Compliance. In addition to the criteria for zoning changes found in Section 2.5 [sic], the City Council may approve an application for a Conditional Use Permit where it reasonably determines that there will be no significant negative impact upon residents of surrounding property or upon the general public. A home occupation is that accessory use of a dwelling that shall constitute all or some portion of the livelihood of a person or persons living in the dwelling. The space located off of a public road, designed, intended, used or required to park one passenger vehicle. New developments must be compatible with existing development and community character. C. Once consideration of an application has continued past the standard review period and is eligible for final action upon request of the applicant, the applicant may request in writing a final action decision from the final action authority. C. Development-Related Applications and Permits. The City Council (Council) has the following powers and duties: A. Holiday lights and decorations with no Commercial Message; 5. An individual requesting a variance shall make written application to the City Administrator and pay the required fee[.] The purposes of regulating the placement and specifications of signs within the Citys jurisdictional area are as follows: A. 5. The applicant is responsible for submitting an application for a PUD that must include submission of a proposed development ordinance with an attached General Development Plan. In lieu of the obligation to dedicate or improve thoroughfares or make traffic-control improvements or post fiscal surety for subsequent construction to achieve road adequacy, the applicant may propose to make equivalent cash contributions based upon the development projects proportionate share of the costs of improvements, which the City in its sole discretion may accept in satisfaction of road adequacy standards in this section. Renewable Resource. Further information about how procedures and regulations of this Code apply to the extraterritorial jurisdiction is found in Chapter 3. To comply with any other duty or responsibility clearly assigned to the City Administrator elsewhere in this Code; 2. Except for lots along an approved cul-de-sac or where it is impracticable, all lots must be provided service connections from a looped water main providing water flow from two directions or sources. Person. Preserve and enhance historic areas throughout the City[. The following are automotive and equipment use types: Automotive Washing. All outdoor lighting fixtures installed on private and public property within the city limits after the adoption of this Code shall be required to comply with this Code. TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL. HORTICULTURE. A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including sale of alcoholic beverages when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than fifty (50) percent of the gross income. The reasonable rehabilitation of disturbed land for useful purposes, and the protection of the natural resources of adjacent areas, including water bodies. Redevelopment. 3. Should Chapter 245 be repealed by the Legislature it shall remain effective as part of this Code for one year from the date of such repeal. Any sign erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of this subchapter[.]. F. Copy of approved TxDoT Driveway permit, if applicable. The City Administrator is responsible for final action on developments specified in Section Chapter [sic] 2 of this Code. 5. [Gross Density = Gross Site Area * Maximum Development Density]. On any application for approval of a Master or Common Signage Plan, the City Administrator shall either approve the proposed plan if the sign(s) as shown on the plan and the plan itself conforms in every respect with requirements of this Section, or reject the proposed plan if the sign(s) as shown on the plan or the plan itself fails in any way to conform with the requirements of the Section.