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Oh yeah. Look at that graph. I can't use that crap. Oh okay. That's interesting because my friend Michael, who got it, his mom who got it, who's in her 70s, is Asian, and that is she kicked it. (almost 3 years), Love our episodes? Full breath solution. We can only eat it in our office though, because we have a two and a half year old. Yes I think so. Better skip this one. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. It wasn't quite doing that, but it was like improving. But then in the background, your adaptive immune system, and I'm just totally generalizing is, you know, is is also working in the background. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. Since most people do not receive enough natural sunlight, the importance of supplements has increased. It's best to, like, get a vitamin D blood test. Well, the ones in my multi so I don't buy vitamin K one is really it's found in dark leafy greens. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. Too bad. But I mean, I think there's so many things there's just there's so many factors that a lot of data that needs to be passed out for sure. Joe Rogan: Top Vitamins/Minerals Thorne Research Vitamin D3. But but the popcorn. Literally the buffalo on the label is not some neutered buffalo. Well I would wonder and I know there's there's supposedly some sort of Harvard study that's ongoing right now measuring all sorts of markers in people that have done hot yoga and whether or not it mimics heat, shock proteins that are created in the sauna. That's how I felt. It's like this like and now I'm, I'm guarantee you it's just pure form and all kinds of things need to do more. Bonus points if you can explain to us how all the renowned/fundamental studies which have done this stuff, have got away with it! Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. You know, like like that's been shown. Yeah. And you feel like it's like room temperature because you were just in this ice bath. Like so so maximum bioavailability does occur at 200 milligrams. Yoga is, is also like it's pretty intense, like holding those positions and stuff like your heart rate does start to elevate. And thankfully, there are clinical trials, randomized controlled trials that are now ongoing and there are some that are recruiting. I eat the shit out of that stuff. She has done extensive research on aging, metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. And I mean, I think, first of all, the first year it hit me hard because I wasn't sleeping, you know, because you have to like every three hours you got to feed, you know, feed the baby. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. That's why it's so rough with all those people stuck inside and stressed out, you know, all the financial pressures that people are experiencing right now because of the lockdown. So the intravenous vitamin C is like generating hydrogen peroxide. We need, you know, you know, people to repeat stuff. They're probably not happy with the relationship or their job. You can. And I've been doing so I haven't had a warm shower since since the shelter in place, since I got my showers. So we went to hospital. So you don't worry because I wouldn't be able to talk for like a month. I know my youngest never want to take naps. And that fixation for me keeps me up at night when I lay down. I've gone places and forgot it in a panic like fuck. . Interesting. I'll get you a trainer. But right now it's like there's no gyms that are open. But anyways, I had people coming up to me going, I love your podcasts. I cook on one of these grills at least three or four days a week. So. He will. It has to be something you can just, you know, do it when you need to find a trainer, just find someone that can I mean, you can learn a lot online, but you have access to resources. There's been some small studies showing that, particularly with endurance, that there is a performance enhancement. Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it's less it's been shown to be 50 percent less bioavailable. But here's the interesting thing about this virus, is that it so this is one of the major things multiple studies have been looking at, like, you know, just immune variability. I do, but I try not to. It's been shown to people. She didn't. Yeah. Their actual job is to be around infected people. So it causes massive inflammation to have a decrease in it. I fucking love it. RHONDA PATRICK COMPLETE SUPPLEMENT LIST - Biohacker Blueprint You're going to be paying a lot out, but you got to 220. A lot of people have a problem with Seabass. Well, some of them, they have poor people, especially in the beginning when you're seeing these people that were like using makeshift masks and just trying to. It's like it's right there. One of those. So, yeah, that gene that it's known to lower, it lowers it leads to lower vitamin D levels. But but I was like I started out the conversation. So that's at least that was the mechanism that was shown with Sajko one. You make what's called neutralizing antibodies that, you know, basically eventually bind to the virus and neutralize it, prevent it from entering the cell. And so they have like the day I won, it was not Coed Day. There have always been people with doubts and there always will be. Yes, sure. It was like I could just I'm like, yeah, it's like having someone that snores is like, you can't sleep. And I mean, like music classes. They're all your weight is decompressing the spine. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. And I was doing that like I was running about 50, 50 miles a week, which is pretty good. And they're just getting their rocks off there. Joe Rogan welcomed Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health, on his hugely popular podcast Thursday to discuss ways to fortify the immune system against COVID-19. OK, what am I trying to measure here? Now, there's another study that did look at humidity and the effect of humidity on basically like the ability of your epithelial cells in your airway and nozzles and stuff to filter out particles and particulate matter and like viruses and stuff and humidity actually made a big difference. Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. Providing anti-inflammatory effects It's far infrared and they use it. Remember, that's the big lady that was showing you earlier. What you're getting is your lower back. And I used it for a long time. And in this I want to call it sciatica. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. Right now I'm taking 5000. Once active, vitamin D will interact with the majority of cells in the body. Over 180. And the sauna, but but I need to be better about resistance training for sure. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. But it's like small quantities and like do you ever get concerned from the high volume of leafy greens you have conservative oxygenates or getting kidney stones or anything along those lines? At work. Without good health, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to revel in the joy of life. But that's interesting because your neutrophils, your neutrophils generate hydrogen peroxide. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. I forgot the exact number. Close. Yeah, 10 grams of 10000 milligrams. I think we kind of got it dialed in. Oh yeah. The reason why it's so special is forget about this for a second. I really hope that. Vitamin C Like, that's what I wanted to say, you know, just a few of those those guys that you just like you like maybe I just I don't know, like do a big comprehensive search the literature and understand things and, you know, don't have that exact study just yet. @Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D And so but it totally fixed itself, thankfully. It's something like I was I was interested in doing it like my mom was my mom had just gotten sick and like, common cold, you know, she had like a runny nose and stuff. And it just, you know, it could be more it could be it can lead to death. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. There's so fucking stupid, because you've got to realize these people that are writing these lists, these are not experts. So yeah, unless you're immunocompromised, but most people that are healthy, they don't know, you know, that they're infected with it. And and there's a there's like a theory going around because that specific region, it's been shown in sars-cov-2 one to cause antibody dependent enhancement. And that's how you kind of get yourself down. It's really like it's really weird. Maybe it was running, running and cycling. Like, what are you scared of? I think we will like there's large there's large scale Serov surveys being done. But you know that I am taking zinc is also a positive ion. After hot yoga. Wow. Glutathione I've had helped fund new study she's going to be doing where she's going to get depressed patients to basically be exposed to this sauna. Take an important step for your family today. Yeah, it was terrible. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Now, coronaviruses are only responsible for between like 15 to 30 percent of common cold cases. He's real. This episode, the podcast is brought to you by Trager Grills. So it's basically whatever the standard of care is. Oh yeah. And I'm like, well so I had my my level's measured literally. Like, it's kind of interesting, that viral dose, at least with influenza. Yeah. That's a lot. There's like there's some kind of term where, like, women get like like what's that periodontitis or gingivitis. Right. Yeah, those are great. Rhondas goal is to ensure her levels of vitamin D remain roughly between 40 ng/ml and 50 ng/ml. I've got two publications on it. So, yes. Vitamin C is important for making collagen, converting dopamine to norepinepherine (important for the fight or flight response), and is an . I don't know all the specifics of that. The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. Most zinc is found in in really high in oysters, but not a lot of people. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. What kind of a timeline do you think they have for something like this? They're shedding the virus through the sprinkler systems. So people love to dismiss things, don't they? No matter what happens, you want to make sure that your loved ones are protected. And Trager Day, May 16th. She has done extensive research on aging . I know that that I was mentioning that TB vaccine. Oh the neuro gum. Sure. My fitness Twitter. But the common cold, you know, that's that's very common. So I mean, there's there's differences in I mean, so it depends on how long you're staying in a cold, you know, water, cold shower, like actually being submerged like from like if you're like in the ocean or something or a lake and you're like from your shoulders down, like that's probably much more powerful than just having a shower. So they had to stay in there for an hour. Sorry guys, but the title is bullshit and the study is inconclusive. I really loved it. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. It's hard. Thorne Research (Vitamin D/K2) Another Thorne Research product that Dr. Rhonda Patrick includes in her daily supplements is the Thorne Research Vitamin D/K2. Lifting weights increases bone density, tendon strength, so many different variables that are so huge because as your body gets older, those are the things that go south. Absolutely. Subscribe to our channels. So people that were like deficient, they were 50 percent less likely to have a respiratory tract infection if they were taking the vitamin D supplement over 50 percent, actually. But like before before I was doing the sauna every single day. So many things that you would have normally had to go to a lawyer's office to take care of. I don't I have you know, I don't know if there's like a but you mentioned one test. A link has been established between stronger immune systems and vitamin D levels. So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. I don't know what what the cases. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on The Joe Rogan Experience #1474 I also had a gym I was going to for. I'll show how it works before. Like, at first I was. Yeah. But no, I don't wear glasses. We drink it all the time. You know, it'll be interesting to see the data from those trials, whether or not there's going to be an effect, it's not known. Rate your immune system and strengthen it is important. And I had a so like one of my old colleagues and science colleagues was telling me that like they were measuring some samples from like different CBD products and like the majority of them didn't actually even have much CBD in them at all. In this clip, Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how vitamin D levels might affect the renin-angiotensin-system and how this relates to COVID-19 outcomes. What does the cytomegalovirus. I love that giant. Oh, I think that I think things are going to I mean, I think that these therapeutics can start the monarchal. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So they've done studies where, like, they they they have given people influenza vaccine. I would do I would do my yoga or my ballet and then I would run. So what's so. So, you know, making this general statement that, oh, vitamin C supplementation doesn't do anything is not it's accurate in some respects. There's like all this stuff about you bleeding, your gums bleed. At a level of 20 ng/ml, the individual is vitamin D deficient. I must be a little bit on the spectrum because I could swear OP's title doesn't say a damn thing about Rhonda figuring this out. OK, thanks for being here. I have one out outside. Right. And they found with influenza, I forgot which a or something. I mean, New York City got hit pretty hard, but, you know, we have been on lockdown, so that has to be accounted for. Right, the colonel. Yes. Is there any speculation as to why these large groups there was another one that was a meatpacking plant where most of the people were asymptomatic as well. Her typical dose of vitamin D3 is 4,000iu, which is about in line with what Joe Rogan takes. Yes, you can. Like, that is not the case. Anyway, so so I was like, I've got to find something that they taught the main course I came across. Well, it's pretty crazy, actually. Blood tests ensure the vitamin D level remains in the healthy range. They told me, oh no, this is a sexual place and I'm like, really, really. So that's kind of cool for aging grey hairs and all just for aging. No you can't. We were doing a cleaning, you know, dental hygiene thing. But I do think that there's there's promise, particularly for some treatments. What happens when you take a person from from South Asia, from India, from Africa, and you put them in Sweden or in Minnesota or in the U.K. at a place where UVB radiation doesn't hit most of the year and you don't give them a supplement? It's 100 percent right. So I started doing research on xylitol while I was looking for alternatives to stuff like Tom's of Maine. But there's so many people that are just the sky is falling. I think it was cycler. Yeah, it's interesting. But, you know, there's there's lots of there's lots of possibilities. Yeah, I think with the masks, you know, for for people, I mean, reopening the economy and, you know, some places have been more successful, you know, like, you know, even even in like Japan and stuff where, you know, the wearing the mask, like the cloth mask doesn't do much to prevent you from breathing in maybe a respiratory droplet or something or aerosol. That's number one. And then when comedy clubs are about to open up, then I'll start writing again. So, you know, the sign it does seem to be associated with lower incidence of pneumonia, but it's thought to be because of immune, you know, perturbations. And he's like, OK, well, if you find anything, please send it my way. That's probably pretty normal. All we're hearing is shelter in place, wear a mask, don't touch anybody. I mean, it's so ignorant to have no idea.