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Parents/guardians are encouraged to accompany a student enrolling in the District for the first time. II. Mississippis academic content standards. Paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental engagement activities, including transportation and child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions; 4. LOCAL SCHOOL FUNCTIONS/GROUNDS: Students assigned to the Alternative Education Center are not allowed on local school grounds during their tenure at the alternative school assignment. Presentation of valid certificate of compliance for immunization. Field trips are intended to allow students experiences that provide insight and information that cannot be adequately developed through regular classroom instruction. Furthermore, the Rankin County School District defines reasonable actions including but not limited to promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior. 3. Pelahatchie, MS 39145 Periodic review shall be a part of the implementation of the plan with revisions made as deemed appropriate by the superintendent. The decision of the hearing officer shall be final, subject to Board and judicial review; 7. Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite. Section 504 Procedures (Students) (IDDHB) 2. The grade point average will be calculated at the end of semester 2 to determine the top two students. 4th offense The cell phone and/or other electronic device will remain in the office until the end of the school year. A determination regarding re-entry into the local school setting will be made. Jeans are acceptable. Excellence in character and scholarship in all we do! All bus drivers shall promptly make a written report of any misconduct by a student to the principalor designee. "Auto-injectable epinephrine" means a medical device for the immediate administration of epinephrine to a person at risk for anaphylaxis. Brandon, MS 39047 It is the users responsibility to recharge the devices battery so it is fully charged by the start of the next school day. Visit our school, attend a concert or athletic performance, call or email your childs teacher, or attend parent conferences, are all ways you can be involved. The District has a policy that addresses Social Media, which applies to all employees and students. Violating any state and/or federal law (i.e., copyright laws). When a student with a disability has been removed for more than ten (10) school days in a school year, a manifestation determination is conducted. In order to request a financial hardship waiver a student or parent must complete the financial hardship waiver form below and submit it to the principal. Sudaderas con gorro no estn permitidos excepto en das no uniformes. Welcome to Northwest Christian Middle School. In all cases of student discipline resulting in suspension for ten (10) days or less, the decision of the principal or his designee shall be final and not appealable (Goss vs. Lopez) except that the County Superintendent of Education shall have the discretion to review the record of the principals (or designees) decision upon written request of the student, his parent or guardian setting forth the reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified within twenty-four (24) hours of such decision, excluding weekends and school holidays. All absences will be counted except those that are school related such as athletic, band, choir contests or school-based club trips. Los estudiantes recibirn cuadernos para llevar a TODAS sus clases. Although the Board of Education, administration, faculty and staff desire that no student use or possess illegal or performance enhancing drugs, we realize that our power to restrict the possession or use of such drugs is limited. The administrative staff member must determine that the circumstances constitute reasonable suspicion of drug and/or alcohol use before a student can be requested to take a drug or alcohol test under these provisions. (HTTP response code 503). At that time, the user or the parent/guardian will be required to file a police report. Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home, Equal Educational Opportunities(JAA, 3/8/17), Education for Homeless Children and Youth (JQN), Limited English Proficiency Instruction (IK), Student Health Services Inoculations (JGCB), Student Schedules and Course Loads (JBCCC), Assignment of Students for Transfers (JBAB), Summer School/Extended Year Policy (IDCA), Textbook Pupil Use (ICFAAA, Selected Sections), Internet/Technology Acceptable Use Policy (IJBB), Technology and Instruction/Electronic Information Resources (IJ), Intramural/Interscholastic Athletics (IDFA), Student Conduct in School / Code of Conduct (JCB), Elementary and Secondary Level Rules and Consequences (JDC-E), Student Drug and Alcohol Testing (JCDABA), Drugs and Alcohol (Possession or Reasonable Suspicion) (JCDAC), Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities (JCDAB), Section 504 Procedures (Students) (IDDHB), Use of Tobacco and Smoking Devices (JCDAA). The instructional program for the gifted student will meet standards set by the Mississippi Department of Education. Any test data reported from the previous school(s); Record of special education services or rulings from previous school(s). * If withdrawal from school and re-entry in school are completed within the same school year, OR if the student was promoted by an accredited school the prior school year and then begins the current school year in a non-accredited home school or school, the student shall be enrolled in the grade of original assignment. The student knowingly possesses on his person, automobile or locker or any area within his control or uses illegal drugs whether prescription, non-prescription or as otherwise defined by law or the Mississippi Code of 1972 as annotated or amended or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled substance, prescription drug or non-prescription drug while at school or a school function under thejurisdiction of Rankin County School District. Only foods which meet the criteria of a meal component can be sold. An Internet filter is in place for Rankin County School District. Parents will be informed prior to destruction of the information and of their right to receive a copy of this information. Devices with no battery life must be charged in the classroom. The RCSD will follow all regulations set forth in state law 37-11-71. Vision and hearing screenings may be performed by the school on any student suspected of having visual or auditory difficulties that could affect educational performance. A bomb threat, drug possession (or alcohol or weapon possession) are examples of such an emergency. If your child appears sick with fever, call your doctor to have your child evaluated. School guidance counselors shall abide by the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. The parents, guardian or custodian of a compulsory age child is expected to enroll said child in school unless the child is determined by school officials to be incapable of school attendance as based upon medical documentation, a handicapping condition, or documentation that the child is enrolled in a legitimate home instruction program as accepted by school attendance officer. A parent or legal guardian may provide written notification to the school district opting out of the mandatory screening provided by the district. It shall be a violation of Rankin County School District rules, regulations and policies to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, on educational property the following weapons: any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, toy gun, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument (except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction and maintenance). In accordance with this goal, students utilizing school transportation services shall: 1. Admission or enrollment may be denied for up to one calendar year after the date of the expulsion to any student who has been expelled or is party to an expulsion proceeding for an act involving violence or the threat of violence, weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, or other activity that may result in expulsion. Additionally, jewelry and accessories that pose a safety concern for the student or others are not acceptable. Each student will be responsible for providing a positive, safe, and healthy educational environment for others by maintaining order, self-discipline, and having consideration for the rights and property of others. All statements of witnesses, other than those of the principal, student and such students parent or guardian shall be submitted in written form, unless otherwise directed by DDC. If such has been lost or destroyed, the last school attended shall be responsible for initiating a new record. Any electronic communication device used during any administration of statewide tests will be confiscated for the duration of the school year and may result in suspension of the student from the regular school environment for the remainder of the year and possible placement into the alternative school setting. Any discipline resulting from the circumstances underlying drug testing shall be recorded in the students discipline record in accordance with the discipline policies and other policies of Rankin County School District. Clickherefor a safe walking route map. Fx . If students are at their lockers during the school day, the following is a list of consequences that could occur: Level 1: Student will be given a verbal warning Taneytown. Holes in Jeans While this has long been a fashion trend, many dress codes have stipulations against holes in jeans. The Rankin County School District will use the ELPT and standardized assessment results for exiting ELs from program services. Cualquier camiseta/playera o artculo de ropa usado debajo de la camisa blanca escolar tiene que ser blanca. The Hazelwood School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Positive when referring to a drug test administered under this policy means a toxicological test resultthat is considered to demonstrate the presence of an illegal or a performance-enhancing drug,or the metabolites thereof, using the standards customarily established by the testing laboratory administering the drug test. The school district will incorporate this district-wide parent and family engagement policy into its LEA plan developed under section 1112 of the ESEA. This can be done effectively through service learning opportunities. The term parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring. Sex-Related Education (ICG) The goal of providing optimal opportunities for gifted students to realize their maximum potential can be met through a multidimensional approach that involves students in leadership, decision making, and creative yet practical problem solving activity. The program is under the leadership of the district superintendent and the supervision of a principal. Such notice shall be hand-delivered or mailed via certified mail and will be postmarked no less than five (5) days before the scheduled hearing. Where reasonable suspicion exists, school district administrators shall have a discretion to conduct a search of said properties or persons, in accord with the law and the need to protect students, staff and visitors. A smart watch The Rankin County School District will provide assistance on these topics by undertaking the actions described below: 1. Comments and/or report cards from previous school(s); Carnegie Units Requested by student/parent/guardian. Phone:601.992.2242 To keep a positive test result confidential, the principal will notify only the student, the students parents or guardians, the Superintendent of Education or his designee with a need to know and the coach/sponsor of the activity or activities in which the student participates, of the test result. Phone:601.854.8135 Please visit the Northwest Family Center and Food Pantry onTuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30. Any damage must be reported to school authorities immediately. No later than eight (8) weeks after implementation of the intervention(s) the TST must conduct a documented review of the interventions to determine success of the intervention(s). Phone:601.845.2862 Fax:601.992.5553, NORTHSHORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students who wish to purchase more than one lunch tray will be required to pay the adult price on the second tray. Such expulsion shall take effect immediately subject to the constitutional rights of due process and a hearing to be afforded the student upon written request for the same, such hearing to be held in a reasonable period of time. The laboratory will inform the student, parents or guardians, the principal of the school and the Superintendent or his designee of the positive test result. School authorities are authorized to conduct reasonable searches of students or their property when reasonable suspicion (a suspicion based upon factors for which there is a valid reason to believe that a violation of school policy or the law is likely to have more likely than not occurred) and facts and reliable reports indicate that a particular student is or has been in possession or control of an item or a substance that represents a violation of school policy or school rules or of the law or that a substantial threat to school decorum and peace or safety exist. Students will be transported in a public or chartered conveyance by duly licensed drivers in a vehicle with adequate liability insurance. The contract will include a plan for modification of behaviors for which the student was sent to the Alternative School, academic goals, and other goals as determined appropriate at this conference. Student Activities (JH) ESEA prohibits the use of funds authorized under this Act to be used to: 1. If the behavior is a manifestation of the disability, a functional behavioral assessment and positive behavioral intervention(s) will be reviewed and revised or developed. No student shall be allowed to practice or participate in any extra-curricular activity to which the policy applies unless the student has returned the fully executed Student Drug Testing Consent Form. 1. Pants must fit appropriately. Maryland. If a student is sent home during normal school hours, a parent/ guardian/custodian shall be notified before the student is dismissed. Any Mississippi resident who is an employee of the District, but is not a resident of Rankin County, may petition the Board for admission of their dependent school-age children. To alert students with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harms that drug use poses for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. 3. modify instruction early enough to ensure each student gains essential skills. If, however, the Voluntary Student reconsiders his/her refusal and submits to a drug test within 24 hours of the initial refusal, the Voluntary Student will not be considered in violation of his/her consent agreement. Close communication between home and school is an important factor in establishing a highly effective school program. WS/FCS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support; . Principal:Lewis Bradford Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds. You may need to add zeros to the beginning of their ID number to make it 9 digits long. The parent/guardian provides information from the students health care practitioner indicating that the student has severe allergies and has been instructed on self-administration of epinephrine medications. a. If the request to amend is denied, the parent/guardian or eligible student shall be notified of the decision and the right to a formal hearing. The courses and teachers for the following year are selected by the administration on this basis. In all cases of student discipline resulting in suspension for ten (10) days or less, the decision of the principal or his designee shall be final and not appealable except that the County Superintendent of Education shall have the discretion to review the record of the principals (or designees) decision upon written request of the student, his/her parent or guardian setting forth the reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified within twenty-four (24) hours of such decision, excluding weekends and school holidays. If the student does not respond to the MRO calls within 48 hours of its first attempt to contact, the MRO shall have no further duty to attempt to contact the student. 1 0 obj Referrals to the TST must be made within the first twenty (20) school days of a school year if the student meets any of the criteria a-d stated above under dyslexia. Managed by Century 21 Judge Fite - Property Mgmt. 1st damage, 2nd damage) AND by incident type (i.e. Completion of student information profile/emergency card. 4. 2. Further, the principal or his designee should make reasonable effort to contact the parent/guardian/custodian via telephone or personal contact to communicate the specific acts for which suspension was ordered and the length of the suspension. Updated Student Health Records should be completed and returned on all RCSD students annually by parents/guardians. Minimum Requirements for Promotion for Grades K-8. Students will not be permitted to change schedules without the approval of the principal and parents. Northwest Middle School / Homepage - Reading School District Motivation Mondays happen every Monday. NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. The calendar year is to begin on the date the Extra-Curricular Student Random Drug Testing Program Withdrawal Form is submitted to the students principal. The disciplinary action shall not limit or restrict the student's immediate access to the medication. Upon enrollment in a credit recovery course, a determination of the students strengths and weaknesses in regard to the course content can be made. Sending information related to the school and parent-programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand by: 1. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, the principal or designee shall consider the age of the child, the severity of the offense, previous reports of misconduct by the student, and any other information considered relevant to the current situation. This fee is a classroom/home maintenance fee and will be assessed once per school year. Some crowdfunding sites are tax deductible and some are not. Any clothing or personal adornment that Is determined to be disruptive to the learning environment is not allowed. Such expulsion shall take place immediately, subject to the constitutional rights of due process and to a hearing with respect thereto within a reasonable period of time and upon request in writing by the student or his/her parent or guardian or representative. Nivel 4: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para un mes. The Sexism of School Dress Codes - The Atlantic Submit completed assignments to appropriate teachers as directed or upon date of return. Shoes or sandals shall be worn at all times. Northwest Middle School Home We are KMS Student Dress Code Dress Code KMS Dresscode If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Individual dignity and privacy will be preserved to the extent practicable. Legal Reference: McKinney-Vento Homeless Act. Face masks/coverings must follow the requirements of JCDB Dress Code for Students. There is an option that can be selected to notify parents when the account gets below a specified amount. In the event of an appeal to the board, the following procedures shall apply. Note: During times of pandemic, epidemic, or community spread of communicable disease, face masks/coverings will be required on buses since social distancing is not possible. If the student intends to receive an excused absence, he/she, upon returning to school, must present a statement from a licensed physician certifying specific dates missed due to the medical condition. Drug Test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs, or the metabolites thereof, performed by an independent testing laboratory. When possible or appropriate, parents and students should be notified of general activities of a student considered to be inappropriate on buses. Do not remove the district provided case. 5. Airy Childrens Dental Associates Provides Care to Students on National Give Kids a Smile Day, about Student Artwork on Display at BWI Airport, about Student Pages Selected for State Legislature, about East Middle Media Specialist Featured as Spotlight Librarian of the Month, about Tech Center Cosmetology Students Participate in Whoville Holiday Creations, about Weis Markets Donates $10,000 to Westminster High School Food Pantry, about Tech Center Teacher Named Finalist for Craft Instructor of the Year, about CCPS to Host Community Wellness Night, about CCEA and CCPS Sponsor Presentation on Internet Safety for Children, about Correction to Carroll County Times Article, about Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, Carroll County Career and Technology Center, Kindergarten Registration Week: March 6-10, Liberty Students Win Awards in Annual German Exam, Spring Garden Student Participates in Maryland Regional Braille Challenge, Superintendent to Host Town Halls on Blueprint, Liberty High School Student Named Finalist in WJZ Black History Oratory Competition, High School Student Artwork Selected in Juried Art Show, CCPS Students to Participate in Maryland All State Ensembles, South Carroll Counselor Named Maryland Novice School Counselor of the Year, Mt. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: handguns, bomb, grenade, rocket with propellant of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, rifle, starter pistol, any firearm muffler/silencer or any form of any such weapon or as defined by state law. Users should always use the Internet, network resources, and online sites in a courteous and respectful manner.