Gaf Weathered Wood Shingles On House, Elizabeth Jamieson Rouse, Articles S

For six seasons, Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe have heated up the small screen as Jamie and Claire. He reached fame late. Oh Sa, give it up already. One closet case (Henry Cavill) about another closet case (Sam Heughan): "I watched a TV show recently that I thought was absolutely spectacular: Outlander. Its what we do with disappointments, no? Doubt it's the case though - all too familiar innuendo, bearding, I'm straight!! A bit more overt this time courtesy of Purv and Camuso, with the new Sam/Georgia duo dubbed Samgia - not that Purv is inferring anything of course, but, but..looks like they went to the Blackhawks game in Chicago together, and, andboth posted on IG wearing Blackhawks caps, so, so.. Not that they are suggesting anything of course, b-u-t .he went to sports events with MM and look what that was. If he came out as bisexual it would be completely unacceptable for the OL stans too, he might as well come out again as gay then. haha The first place he flew was San Francisco [quote]HEUGHAN: My first visit was when I took two years out after school. Stuck in the past. Until one of them gets a real believable girlfriend then this is an option.". Only 6 years to catch up on. This thread is where all the homophobic, incontinent, menopausal fraus on DL convene. Blankfaces in Glasgow takes all the donated clothes also children's to create bespoke. source didnt do her homework Batman Live had two co-directors Anthony Van Laast (straight, married) and James Powell (nfi) basic info error. His private FB gone.. that was the most telling with the comments. The director was Cressida Brown and it was at Offstage Theatre at Bridewell in London in Jan. 2011. It seems Sam Heughan 's motto truly is 'no days off'. Sam, pull your pants up - OK, you're shilling Under Armour briefs (on your IG too of course), but it just gets the worshippers too excited (can't believe the sighing on tumblr about his pants), but why not alternate it with sponsorship by a strong belt company? Hello. Guess that goes with the territory of being in a popular T.V series and constantly promoting yourself.. So it made perfect business sense for him to be at that Blackhawks game. An interesting twist on bearding - letting weird fans grab him and try to feel him up so he looks hetero (when he just looks more than a bit sleazy). I hope it does. Leading to Purv comment on Sam and Sophie NOT dating because that would make him a pervert. Meanwhile, here he is shilling red bottoms for ca$h. In a world exclusive, Sam shares with me his not-yet-released gin, a follow-up to Sassenach whisky and tequila. Tomorrow I contact Starz legal and PR departments to go on record about this toxic stalking of fans. Thank you [R274] I notice when I press the WW button the FF button goes blank as well so you may be right. He was always ambitious and still is. Just a little research should do it, eh? All his games can't work around factors like this. Onward and upward. New twist: SH fans openly alleging that shes a Professional with a capital P. Just plain wrong so many levels. ".No, I wasnt here at the start but funny that you mention how that rumor started because I heard it from people who have nothing to do with the fandom, in a context that has nothing to do with TV shows and before I had even watched the show. Who is this Purv, p-redux person?? Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. And not all bloggers are shippers - some have thought for a long time that he is gay. Supposedly for the attractive, successful, cool, wealthy, with thousands of IG followers, with a friend or friends already on there to recommend you [Ruby Rose is a member], for the 'cosmopolitan elite'. Again, maybe, hopefully not. On the list I do like the idea of some of the impersonators - a Heughan impersonator could probably make a mint with the worshippers (but then of course they'd be sued by the man himself). They do suck though. Well, at one point she shows him 3 fingers and he says to her, haven't we done 3 . r291 Sorry about the tardiness weve been battling fires here first time we could take off breathing apparatus/masks in days. I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. Heughan hasn't hinted at any further film projects/parts he's been offered [ except for the cameo part in the Dahle biopic] whilst Balfe is part of an Oscar nominated film. Way to go!! One that made me giggle a lit bit, but also sit up, was a woman said something like, "Ooof. Take the L, Tumblr ladies. Just remember the sun block, Sammy. Dive in! Sam continues to be straight, regardless. Gee - so IG is removing the 'following activity' tab, and no longer showing account likes, followers and comments. Heughan has advertised on his IG stories that he's going to the British Luxury Awards in London 18 Nov. Dunhill is up for an award, so more shilling coming up - gotta maintain that brand! Always thought Mctavish was milking his [ almost 3 yrs old] connection with Outlander and Heughan for all it was worth..but then a guy has to earn a living. He was there but I wonder if Sam was the one who invited him. If , by using pyramid style recruiting methods with ambassadors , he could increase the membership to 50,000 or more, the revenue from extra merchandise , from new colour tea shirts etc. Image Credit: SplashNews. All grist to the rumour mill that promotes his name and image - attention is everything. Following my reblogging on Cait's twitter like of Chrissy Teigen, i think it is pertinent to know what sort of a vile human Chrissy is. @diggsydogsquee Oh she reads Tumblr alright *quietly remembers her snapping about a blogger who references the striped sheets* lol. If you really thought Heughan was straight, there would be no homosexuality to be homophobic about and you wouldn't GAF. Ah, Purv is on the case! He doesn't want to lend his name to existing products, he wants to invest his own money in creating his own product(s). correction not a blog, a fan account. The other (Red Notice) film is, I gather, more of a regional-release thingie - almost a European TV movie. He didnt have to do much at all. I find his acting rather uneven but that could be down to the indifferent material. Just over a month until "Waypoints" is released! Of course Purv ignored that Hannah was with Lyne Renee, who was there to promote her show 'Motherland'. Sorry, make that 'nomination' rather than 'award'. Wonder if Heughans being paid to promote Scotland on Instagram ? JUST ME AND MY WIERDNESS, RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTED TO SAM HEUGHAN!!!!! No one knows who D is. catfraserb85 liked this. Just a few weeks ago, Starz debuted the first teaser for the upcoming seventh season of Outlander, which will be released this summer. How is any of this credible. A cap and ticket machine could be found somewhere. It's a clever strategy to try and milk the OL cows in any way possible. Whoever is advising him re business, they are doing a good job - could be Alex. [R176] incredible that people should pay $1,500 to sit in a room and chat to a man who used to be an actor but has now turned himself into a brand , a man who appears to have more interest in haberdashery than serious acting. Why not just shine a fucking klieg light on yourself, or pose for a mugshot? Love everything about what she's wearing. He really needs to get a hair transplant though, and get rid of that damn mole - it's not only distracting but it could be dangerous. Just a small reminder, what we are talking about. No One Can Resist Him.". I dont need to be successful. All around old, dusty, and hopeless. Follow. But it looks like Sam Heughan, the leading man on hit Starz drama Outlander, makes it work. No repeat of the year (2016?) Fury of the Gods' Fan Event in Rome with Co-Stars. Agreed it's not about the nationality (although the weird celebrity obsession seems to be more intense in the land of HW) but about the complete inability of fans such as that group of worshipers, wherever they are based, to see that fictional Jamie and real Sam are not the same. Just an advocate for? If youve found youre getting trolled on your Instagram account and you lock to to stay safe, but the troll remained in your followers and posted your locked images on their own Instagram account? I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. Heughan gives every impression of a man determined to take as much money as he can, in any way he can, from his legion of blindly worshipping fans..he'll be laughing all the way to the bank. [R385] What next ? Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Probably there are no women alive, except his mom, whoever came close enough to him to witness about this. Now he looks tired, worn he has aged 10 years :-(. for OL S1, when his character was more round(and not flat like now). It doesn't add up. [R560] Could the mystery woman be his American agent ? So yes, openly gay men CAN effectively play a hetero love interest. - Cries of Fact! Exit one potential gf. Damn that hot image that he went to so much trouble to encourage - didn't the Herald get the PR new portrayal memo? Not everyone is worth the engagement. Blog comment : "Notice the new stance for Sam, legs apart = indicates security and feeling in control. SH is being stridently taken to task by some 'fans' /bloggers after he dared to make a pretty mild criticism of Trump. For info, I have been involved in the promotion of gay issues for decades, including marching, being physically threatened, counselling, workshops, policy development, advocating aspects such as same sex marriage (had the joy of being best person in seven marriages so far). In Paris, Cait looks bright and looks more youthful. Graham did not invite Cait to his wedding !!!!! He looked like he was on a lead. r402 - Yes, the modest humble Heughan seems to have been subsumed as his career has developed. (would have attached the image but it doesn't seem to have worked - a bit like the straight innuendo effort). May still be in there somewhere - in the closet with him. A bit of a hitch, though, they aren't passing the name on because they don't want to do his PR work for him - burned before, were they? The too tight jacket a crude attempt to look sexy..only succeeded in looking like a cheap HW starlet. I admire that. I know the real truth but I cant say! Bloodshot must be really bad, if they need this shorthanded kind of PR for Sam. Pity. Integrity goes a long way R213 you are right. Ironic hero there, Heughan. Returning to our suggestions of music for Heughans Raya application how about Roll Over Beethoven..Chuck Berry [check out the lyrics]. But nor is it a virtue, like kindness. This is just second hand embarrasement, fremdschmen at its best. We've seen countless examples. I guess his integrity is of no value to him. totally agree with the "no win" part. This year, from a reluctance by tumblr-ites to even raise the possibility that he is gay and risk the ire of his Jamie fantasist cultists, his sexuality came to be discussed and debated by some bloggers on a daily basis: He is gay, thought so; Hes not! It has been fascinating to watch. Rid yourself of that scourge and keep an eye out. r 140 On what basis are Cavill and Heughan the front runners? I dont have the ability to solely grant you access through an email request. Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. [249] While were at it, Sam, please refrain from wearing jeans with holes in the knees. To promote Scottish culture and Great Glen Company products , to a world wide audience,a unique, theatrical production of Macbeth. Playmate gained some new horny grannies followers, gay actor Sam Heughan lost again a good portion of his dignity and reputation. So now he's following the private RAYA App - presumably he's applied. Meanwhile some of the more ping-y photos of him are being scattered around tumblr now. All they saw was the photo of their hetero hero with a blonde (a well-connected one too). It's not about the nationality, the hardcore Jamie fans are simply insane and obsessed. And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. r537 I don't drink or buy blends but my mates tell me that yes, it is very expensive for a blend - clearly geared for the moneyed up fangirls. Related : An interesting read. Which person would travel half the world only to meet a new beard? A straight white woman who uses a blonde female emoji, who saw Sam in a gay movie and a gay play in London. Removing a mole like the one on Sam's face is a complex procedure requiring plastic surgery and healing time. [R130] Definitely a gap in the market for Heughan impersonators !! That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. It looks like Mr. Tennent's Lager is concealing a beer gut. When Sam used to be with Luke Neal all the time, everywhere -long trips around the world, Outlander premieres, parties.If Luke were a woman, his stans would have said without a doubt, that they were a couple. Nope. Back in highschool I had a small group of nerdy (male) friends, we were around 17. He was sitting on the edge of his guest chair like a virgin on her first meeting with the grooms mother. But with no major starring roles in the offering he decides to go it alone and produce and star in his own plays and films.Would not surprise me if he mounts a production of 'The Scottish Play' , directed by Graham Mactavish, with Heughan as Macbeth. This type of film seems more his style, and Bonneville and Keeley Hawes are great actors and he can learn a lot. I suppose that's the image his team tries to project..except Sam is C list and many people don't know who he is. Presumably he wouldn't need to inhabit a closet to do so. He then made things worse by one of the most blathering SM posts hes ever managed the bludgeoning respected the fish and it was cultural and spiritual and his host was the heart and soul of the island. Looks like his Burns Night gig was a big win last night. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. All good networking. He tries harder than most. One of the people I dont know has snuck in under the guise of someone else, but they are actually Paul Camuso, Purv, or a combination of both. The OL/MPC fandom may well be the foundation of his career and his financial empire-building but they also have him more or less trapped for the moment. Based on these types of innuendos, I would be in a relationship or dating all my friends I go to the movies with. It is always the same. 187 votes and 61 comments so far on Reddit reddit We shall see. Paul co-starred with Dahl's wife, Patricia Neal, in Hud in 1963. Haven't seen her hovering so closely with her other clients (around 275 of them, and some of them pretty high-profile eg Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Tommy Lee Jones, Lily Tomlin, Jodie Foster, Lisa Kudrow, Pierce Brosnan). I'd hate to see her pretty face turn into Madonna. A bit suss. - Ronda Schmidt @fiftiesteacher So Sam gay or not? Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. R392 he talked about that in the recent whiskey interview he did, which was quite a good one imo. As others already stated here: He, and the guys behind him just are milking the Outlander cow, the fans. Besides the right that everyone has to have an opinion and speak his/her mind, America dominates global politics still so we are all under its influence of course we can comment on trump. Interesting. Sam Heughan shares a silly photo of Caitriona Balfe from 'Outlander' set. Put on a good fitting jeans and a white, perfect ironed shirt (please search Paul Newman for example). Hope they'll have fun and won't skip the gay bars. Such manipulation is almost beyond credibility ! It's going to be interesting to watch the verbal gymnastics of the cultists as they try to turn this into their god SH's stellar break-out role, which it definitely is not. The issue for me is not that he is gay but as to the lengths he has gone to to hide the fact from the Outlander fans. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Production was initially delayed to the COVID . Hopefully the actual article will emerge at some point. Pity. "The thing about S and D is, if your right, which I very much doubt, they will be able to hide it so easily. His latest IG post is very clever - asking them to hold Sassanech whisky parties and tag him in their photos. He even worked in a plug for Sassenach Spirits in his New Years message. R527 I have also wondered if Sam doesn't dare to ditch Camuso because of Shatner, like maybe that would piss Shatner off and that might be bad for the HW career he wants. simply because the need their king of men to be straight? You first have to create an account, then go to the blog and click on the button to request access. r143 I'd say so. He can never be ruled out of course but it just doesn't ring true. In the meanwhile Cree says he'd dreamt of this. And totally adorable. r393. are all cancelled (they will play to empty stadiums and the games will be broadcast - sob!!). Ageing does not make him look more masculine. That the OL cult denies hes gay already demonstrates theyre delusional. The messy hair out so much softer on her facenot a slick-back pony in sight @odessa-2 !! Gee, they were there together!! r310 She was a staff member at the Wizard World Con. In any event, he still ping, ping, pings. Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. Of course the fangirls will outdo themselves in response - hey, might even get him to respond, oh be still my beating heart, my life is complete. Really? samheughan deuxmoi shoo extremeshippers haters mysteryblonde karinaelle. He never never ever stops marketing his whisky .Heughan is fast becoming a bore ! After the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the group officially changed its name to Sam and the Delta Variants. A couple of days ago she liked Katheryn Winnick to be by his side - can't have the Magical Golden Dirk staying zipped, can she? What interested me about this otherwise rather boring article is a couple of comments on twitter about it, such as 'Aha! (By the way, its cold and empty in here and Id like a sweater). [quote]Sam is an embarrassment. Hes gay. It's Hannah James, folks. Bit of a beatup on tumblr. {2] Employ a full time beard with the status of official girlfriend but that must be so restrictive, rather like pulling a ball and chain around with you, and still living a lie. Of course Purv is only posting information, not making connections, that is up to others - yes of course, we believe you. 'The little princess and the Lion of Men' - judging by some of the fawning comments on SH's retweet of the JJ article on the Walpole event, it's paid off. And why is Purv citing this great source now? Apparently there is a new interview with SH out (mentioned on tumblr but no detail on who it was with and where it is to be found) - according to tumblr comments, in it he refers to being very, very busy and finding it hard to date. Box office at the opening weekend 57.000 in Germany. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. Faustian pact it may have been but I can afford to buy as many leather jackets as I want to. bat-cat-reader: Hello, I make a query.