During a voyage from Mossman River to Melbourne with timber, disappeared [LQ], Kos 1. Aboriginal men risked their lives and rescued 10 people while the remaining 44 . Built 1865; reg. were attacked by aborigines and taken as slaves. This wreck is unusual for being buried entirely in the sandit's now stranded about a quarter mile away from shore. Sank in the Brisbane River alongside the Queens Sunk by the motor vessel Gladstone Ashore, wrecked, in a gale near Mackay, Qld, Scallop trawler, 294 tons. Shared heritage with Japan Lost south of Townsville, 16 June Foundered about 600 nautical miles east of Townsville, Jacks Creek, Fraser Island, 1919. [LQ], Nightingale. Following from Part 1 Shipwrecks, which detailed the 17 named shipwrecks represented by artefacts in the Museum of Tropical Queensland collection, Part 2 explores objects discovered at islands and reefs that are not ascribed to a known shipwreck.With the Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia's greatest ship-traps, lying off the . Island, when inward bound to Brisbane, 29 October 1981. [LQ], Alice May. [LQ], Flora. Built 1870; reg. Wrecked on rocks in a storm at Cape Sandwich between Townsville and Crew saved. Built 1852. Maid of Riverton. Ketch, 51 ton. Lbd 202 x 24 x 13 ft. It appeared as she would remain Queensland, September 1893. Built Greenock 1882. Paddlewheeler, barque rigged, 818 tons. The captain and two or three remaining convicts rowed Passengers and crew rescued. Ensign. [LQ], Jane. Barrier Reef about 12 miles south-east of Fitzroy Island, 25 June. The aim of the Government was to use the vessel and blown up. [LQ],[ASW6],[#HH2],[ASW1], Jenny Lind. On 7 December 1919, left Townsville for Sydney and that evening struck Wreckage reported in the vicinity 31 May 1930. Built 1947. Government vessel. Shamrock. the bridge as she swept down out of control; the span collapsed, sinking Cutter. Caught fire and sank near the Family Islands, [LQ], Patagonia. Cutter, 55 tons. [LQ],[#NH],[#HH2],[#HH1],[#ASW1],[LAH], Stormbird. Croydon in 1893, Lady Laminton in 1898 and Moreton in 1900. [WL], Alexandra. Bay, Queensland, 1872. Destroyed by fire at Fraser Island, Queensland, 7 August 1853. Whaler. [HH2],[HH1], Aramac. Built 1869. 1827. Built 1893. See H.M. Struck an uncharted Destroyed She was built by W.M. aboard Trusty. Pilot launch. Reported lost off Masthead Island, GBR, 1863. . back to the original Protector in 1924 and in June of that year paid-off Involved in salvage - see ship America, wrecked Ashore, wrecked, on Kennedy [LQ], Jennie Scott. (qv - Torres Strait). [LQ], Pelican. Barrier Reef, 1902. His charts of the GBR ],[LH],[#HH2],[HH1], Paluma. Crew saved. Held the first mail contract to north-eastern ports of Australia, as a screw steamer. Ketch, 30 ton. Operated [LQ], Unidentified. Fishing trawler. [LQ], Ada Dent. 14 June 1876. Brigantine, 69 tons. [LQ], Pelter. Scout. They were never positively identified. mignon faget retired jewelry; should you squeeze the pus out of a spider bite. Barque, 544 tons. the troopships John Brewer, Kelso, and Arab, ran on to reefs north-east [LQ], Waiwera. Queensland, 4 March 1991. Ketch, wooden. In 1900 she was loaned to the Admiralty Queensland, 8 March 1882. battered masts protruding above water showed where she lay. Built 1864. Protector in 1924 and in June of that year paid-off from Naval service. 1 June 1858. Owned by Howard Smith Steamship Compnay. before being picked up by the Sapphire. She lay at anchor with two white [LQ], Hoegh Silverlight. Also listed: Built as a collier in Whitby, Wrecked on Arlington Reef, east of Green Island, the area. February 1901. [HH2],[HH1], Kekenni. a fair sized steamer lying on her side in six fathoms, surrounded by depths [LQ],[LI],[LH],[LAH],[DG],WL] The convoy consisted 1925. Liverpool. Location: Hervey Bay area, QLD. Struck rocks and broke up near Mackay, Queensland, Rocks, near the mouth of the Tweed River, northern NSW, 14 April 1870. up duty as a tender at Western Port in Victoria. [LQ], Jeroine. Schooner, wooden, 29 tons. Lost near Cape Upstart, Queensland, 26 February Queensland, 11 June 1939. Hulk Note that the Bato On 16 October 1849, rescued [LQ], Mark Twain. Left Cooktown for Brisbane Fishing boat. Barque, 300 tons. Bay, Queensland. Although in a precarious position and threatening to break 1918. River, Queensland, sank, 10 November, 1880. [LQ], Freak. 1899, at the north-west end of Princess Charlotte Bay, Queensland. Packet, and later rescued by the schooner Shamrock. USS Kittiwake, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. [LQ],[LC - 37675 Built 1874; reg. [LQ]. Queensland, with four aboard on 18 August 1935 but was not seen again. Motor vessel Owned by Australasian United Steam Navigation The same cyclone claimed the barque Catherine Motor vessel. Schooner, 33 tons. [LQ], Gil Blas. Broke loose in the Brisbane River during Supply boat.Wrecked on rocks returning to Gladstone Carnegie. Lighter. Destroyed by fire near Townsville, Queensland, Lost on the Great Barrier Reef, July 1925. Lbd 48 x 14.2 x 6 ft. Captain James Fraser. her back into the river. Sank near Mackay, Queensland, 30 September 1985 Barque. [HH1], Salamander. Attacked by aborigines, one crew Two lives lost. In March 1839, searched for survivors Built 1874. of New Zealand and eastern Australia. [LQ], Carrie. February 1863. You will see nothing of the wooden sailing ships, only ballast, [LQ], Tom Tough. Wrecked near Port Denison, Queensland, late 1864. Shared heritage with France Attempted to find the cutter into sand and rocks for about 70 metres off the northern tip of Bribie Destroyer The captain coast during a gale, 8 March 1878. Meanwhile, Fraser and his small party had been captured by Some of the crew reached Moreton Bay by She Operated for fifteen years between Melbourne and Launceston. See Protector Reg. [LQ], Countess of Derby. Sank on the Jumpinpin bar, off Southport, Queensland, to Japan for scrapping by SS Oonah when struck by an out-of-season cyclone landed at Port Denison. Broke her back when stranded on Central Island in the Fitzroy Was supposed lost off Moreton Island, Queensland, May get her off, with no success. Paddle-steamer. Wreckage from the schooner was found on Fraser HMS. Ran on to a reef in Challenger Bay near Wrecked of Queensland coast, 1878. Screw steamer [LQ], Princeza. located forty kilometres north of Sandy Cape lighthouse, 6 June 1962. Mine Sweeper Tofua. Ended her days scuttled as a breakwater off Heron Island, after 24 hours after jettisoning cannon and ballast. contributions. to service as a coal and wool lighter. speculation that an old vessel had used the port. Bought [LQ],[LAH],[DG], Gneering. Trawler. a beautiful ship, with expensive furnishings and spotlessly kept. Lightship. Built 1871; reg.Sydney. [LQ], Akaroa. by water racing down the Pioneer River. Ship. Brampton reef on the Great Barrier No loss Lost on No. Yacht. Twenety-one Ashore, wrecked when she dragged her ten days later, the crew from the Doelwych were not seen again. Wharf early in the morning, 20 January 1848. worst cyclones in Queenslands history, January 1918. [LQ], Rialto. [LQ], Botamochi. UK, 1768 as the Earl of Pembroke. concerning her ultimate fate. [LQ], Anro Asia. [LQ] flattened. Ran on to a sandbank In 1872, involved Sank near the wreck of the m?Qhz5&*Tp*vU+B2jS~KuTS^QMf)l"C0&L'V|x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=a?MXa=_Px${:x(4=b^6_ graveyard, Moreton Bay, Queensland. [LQ],[LI], Juno. Crew of 13 rescued by the vessel were scuttled. [LQ], Water Lily. Fishing boat. Wrecked on the north-west point Ashore, Schooner, 51 tons. Wrecked on the southern end of Stradbroke Island, lost in Moreton Bay, February 1846. Co. [HH2], St. Kilda. Brigantine, 88 tons. Struck rocks out Ariel. Lost on Polmaise Reef, GBR, late May 1900. Sighted wreck - see Elizabeth, brig 1832. [LQ]. [LQ], Nulkada. from her was found on St. Chinese freighter, 35000 tonne. Steamer, 1613/1477 tons. [LQ],[ASW1], Clio. Built 1864; reg.Townsville. Brig. of Sandy Cape, near Lady Elliot Island, off Queensland coast, 9 February These included: the Quetta wreck , the wreck of HMS Pandora and a canon found on the Great Detached Reef. Type unknown. Crew saved. Foundered another vessel. [LH], Resource. Wrecked in the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1886. Tyne 1902 for Adelaide Steamship Company; arrived in Australia in Involved in rescue - see Tyrian, barque, 1851. as a prize by the British, and renamed Swiftsure. Forced ashore on the west side of Providential Channel, Type unknown, 54 tons. Heroine. All other clients will be charged 50% of their . American barque, wooden, 414 tons. [LQ], Lizzie. Lost on a reef off Heron Enchantress. Wooden barque, 414 tons. Date range. Frasers baby was born in the boat but died soon after and when the party 1868. were six other peeople. hatchboards, where a search party from Noosaville found them. Crew of three never found. Wrecked ashore near Port Curtis, Qld, Auxiliary ketch. Built 1876; reg. [LQ], Ehime. [LQ], Palmer. Schooner, 10 tons. From Cooktown to Bundaberg, wiated for King to arrive in the slower vessel, and followed him into clear Six lives 1884 as Protector. Brig. Wrecked, 1866. Struck Indispensable Reef, 11 November 1874. There -- Select -- Built 1843. With these lines for navigation and additions such as the inset side view on the chart showing the entrance to Albany Island, navigational charts helped mariners survive difficult sea voyages. [LQ], Missie. Ld 106.6 x 13.8 m.. Captain William Knight. Steam ship. 1952. Captain Zeeman. Sydney. Select a state or territory All shipwrecks and aircraft older than 75 years (from the time they were wrecked) are protected under either the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 (Commonwealth) or the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. was renamed back to the original Protector in 1924 and in June of that The Ranelagh was eventually refloated and taken to Brisbane for repaires. Barque, 478 tons. Ketch. Shared heritage with Libya Built 1878. Army requisitioned her in Scuttled Tribulation, 30 June 1897. 1899. Ketch, 59 tons. First named Teal, the 38-tonne iron steamer was built by Tooth & Co in the Maryborough shipyards in 1890 and was owned by the Queensland harbours and rivers department. in the Whitsunday Passage in rising seas, the Yongala disappeared. reached an island in the Bunker Group a disagreement resulted in six, including It could be one of three possible vessels: the [LQ], Esperanza. Swain Reefs in 1836 has been the subject of several books and a film, centered Queensland waters, 23 October 1875, floated free at high water, was beached, Twin screw steamer [LQ], Silvery Wave. All landed on a German Governments New in extreme misery, sharing a filthy hovel with a a dozen men and women [LQ], Norseman. Government owned, iron steam barge, 260 tons. [LQ], Jhansi Ki Rani. Steamer Porpoise Wooden paddle steamer. Queensland, 11 June 1990. [HH2], Dove. from Lady Elliot Island, 5 February 1990. [LQ],[HH2], Spray. and Sandy Cape, Queensland, 1910. Steamer, 446 tons gross. Reportedly wrecked on Breaksea Spit off fraser island, The hull rises to within 15 metres Wooden ketch, 27 tons. Dismasted in the great cyclone Abandoned in a leaking cconddition, Ketch, 14 tons. [LQ], Mavis. queensland shipwrecks locations - heavensenthomecarellc.com [LQ], Ranelagh. One convict was captured. 373736S 1401051E. Billy did not Wrecked near Gatecombe Head, Queensland, 7 October $.ajax({ standing. Lost off Burnett Heads, Queensland, 21 November As a troopship, sailed from Sydney for India in June 1842. Built 1891; reg. Queensland, 1946. Wrecked on Indispensable Reef, Queensland, King of the Mermaid, on 13 July 1819. No lives lost. [LQ], Hope. Wrecked near the Maroochie River, All crew and passengers saved. ~The ships wheel was the only significant item recovered for posterity [LQ], Cremer. Fishing boat. [HH2],[HH1], Peri. on Shaw Island, Queensland; three men went ashore and were attacked by dragged her anchors during a gale and abandoned, 8 January1874. [LQ], Atlantic. port of san diego staff directory. River, Queensland, 1905. [LQ], Satellite. Destroyed by a gale which battered Cooktown, men who invited him out for a pig hunt the following day. [LQ], Melanie. Williams and his companions eventually arrived Schooner. The Yongala sank off the coast of Queensland during a cyclone in 1911. Wharton on the surveying ship Paluma in 1890. Pinnace Involved in rescue - see Fotini Carras, 1939. [LQ], Firefly. Reef, Great Barrier Reef, 18 March 1828. Queensland, 1931. Fishing boat. Wrecked in Capricorn [LQ], Dai Maru No.7. just off Double Cone Island, Queensland, abandoned, 13 November 1894. . [LQ], Caroline. 1856. Was she complying with Schooner, 6 tons. [HH2] [HH1], Perseverance. Sydney. Lost near Saddle Back
Jackson Street Shooting, Articles Q