Nickname For Someone Who Is Always Hungry, Lee Westwood Scorecard Today, Articles H

Era vets are important but dont count. Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. He objected, and was assigned as an interpreter attached to the American Embassy in Sweden. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". We, the U.S. have lost over 158,000 American lives to the Vietnam war and that count is still rising. retired university professor I agree Vietnam vets are fewer. What other conclusions have been made about the percentage of Vietnam veterans who are still alive? the average combat vet in Nam was 240 days. I was in 1st Battalion 26 th Infantry HMP 1st Infantry Division in 68 November 68 to January 69. Agent Orange catching up to Vietnam veterans decades later I was with the 1st Inf Division from July 67 to June 68 and we received $15 overseas pay and $65 combat pay a month. He was carrying a BAR, killed fighting an infantry action, and the desk jockeys decided he did not meet requirements for a CIB. And yes I was sprayed with Agent Orange. so the cia men who changed from suits were not vietnam veterams when they went into laos and cambodia? The thing is the question/topic here is not how many Vietnam combat veterans are there, or how many Vietnam Era veterans are there; its how many Vietnam veterans are there. An AK found its target in my thigh. Likewise, drafted Sep 66, Vietnam Aug 67-Aug 68, and Im 75. Check your POW list. What report or reference confirms it? Finally figured out what was wrong with me, received help but refuse to dwell on the dark demons that quite frankly just did not give a dam for humanity. The definition of Combat Veteran is NOT if you have a CIB. Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons. wounded evaced) then Am 3/21 196th LIB. Ive never seen so many people so full of shit trying to answer a question like how many Vietnam veterans are still alive today. Scavenger said you had to be fired on in viet nam to be a veteran. This part of Pleiku Province is a combination of mountains, triple to single canopy jungle and/or open valleys. Return to reality. 100,000 or more to suicide and most of those occurred after the men came home. A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. Bill, Combat Veterans know who they are, pretenders know that they are not.. they did not get metals. Having studied the war for years, I believe that the correct figure for those on the ground in South Vietnam is 2.6 million. I have done lots of research, read a bunch of historical history, and met and talked to well over 1000 NAM VETS !!!!! Veterans support veterans, their stories and we bristle at those who would steal their history, we are not Valor Police, but those who pretend are an insult to those of who struggle with that past. We all started getting heart attacks around the same time. Again, I see a jumbled view of jungle and sky, and vaguely see a solitary soldier standing over me. A veteran who served in the Vietnam War would be in their early 70s to late 90s today, depending on their birth year. But having spent a little time thinking about it, I go with the 2m figure. Tom Selleck. I read a statistic somewhere that one in seven where in actual combat. guy next to me was shoot dead I think that counts. How many Vietnamese citizens died in the Vietnam War? Korea had 2 divisions in Vietnam The White Horse & Tiger Divisions The Australian Military was also present but I do not know the numbers There could be others. Still, the American War Library continues to verify their accounts and come to more concrete conclusions. But as to how many of us have died since then, I havent a clue. Who is the oldest living Vietnam veteran? And, if you think 75% of actual Vietnam Vets (especially after Covid, and more than 50 years of time) are still alive, youre kidding yourself. That's 390 per day. To say that the Air Force in Thailand and Guam was too far away to be in harms way shows you have no idea what Navy and Air Force aircrews do. Age: 75. More Veterans Die By Suicide Than In Combat. But It's Preventable - WBUR Only military remaining were Marines at the Embassy. The Truth About 22 Veteran Suicides A Day - Task & Purpose If the ratio of approximately 10% remains the same about 314. But to me, Nam is my whole universe i.e. My spirit was above my body and I was looking down at myself bouncing around in the drivers side. How Many Vietnam Vets Die Each Day? - Answers If you were shot at, in an incoming rocket attack, had to protect during a ground attack, you could bleed and die, you were in Combat. Those who do not remember where in country they were, WHERE NOT THERE.. Or suffering from a complete mental memory disorder. Hazardous duty pay was $65 and overseas pay varied by rank $8 to $ 16. When I opened my mouth and started talking about Nam, Id get this response, We dont talk about Nam .In my opinion we should tell everyone about our combat experience. OH, SHIT- I heard the impact of the Rocket Propelled grenade (RPG) to my left; `this is it, I yelled! to Ken Drombosky 11B20 and proud of it. In the highlands we had to take one every day in addition to the once a week pill. The funny thing,(not so funny) is that when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. I got angry at him even saying that he was a vet of the war. I can smell a fake and phony 10 seconds after we meet !!!!! I served in 67 69 & had stroke in 93 then heart attack in 2002 with 2d in 2004 . I salute all Veterans, and those Pencil pusher, clerks, medics, fire-fighters, etc., all had jobs to do to support everyone, they deserve respect as well, as without them no one should have had the tools necessary to accomplish any mission! (Operation Ranch Hand) that were loaders and used no protection. Deaths per day . Based on data through September 30, 2020, VetPop2020 provides a projection of the Veteran population at each fiscal year end from 2020 to 2050. Dec. 5, 1967 to April 28, 1968 is 144 days. Great article! I wouldnt trust the New York Times study, regardless of their Sources! Their is a new book about to be released by Bill Comeau that tells a similar story of the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Duel with the Dragon about the Battle of Soui Tre that I fought in. Our side would have collapsed without you. Other sappers were shooting their AKs at any targets. Real combat veterans will share with other combat veterans as their stories have many similarities. Not sure where we were. Youll have to look for it, but a long time ago I posted the most recent VA numbers I could find. I have read about Canadians coming south to fight in Vietnam but have never seen any real authority to support this. While I honor those who served worldwide, it comes across as yet another slap in the face to those of us who faced enemy fire. It's estimated that tens of thousands of veterans have returned to Vietnam since the 1990s, mostly for short visits to the places where they once served. Certainly leaves some doubt about the numbers because why are we including the years from 1954 to when the actual American forces entered hostile missions? I did a short extra tour with the 97th Trans in Cam Rahn Bay, they had 30 or so LCUs that hauled artillery projectiles and other stuff including fuel up many of those rivers. Leave your thoughts below in the comment section. How many Vietnam vets are dying each day? - The first impact of a rocket was twenty meters to the left and ten meters behind as the rocket flew over its target. These are numbers never heard before & I would not include those before the advisers were sent over in the early/mid 60s. Excellent questions. ho, i could not . I served as a Navy Corpsman, Fall of Saigon. Be content with your service, and leave it there. Vietnam IS a Vietnam veteran. Educate your self and search the web for the last battle of the Vietnam war. . I think I know the answer but like youjust being picky. Why all this devisiveness. So, here well dive a little bit deeper into how many Vietnam veterans are estimated to still be alive based on various approximations and predictions. The one question I have is how many in country vets did multiple tours over there. Yes, Vietnam War veterans are still eligible for various benefits and compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs, including disability compensation, health care, and education benefits. How many Vietnam vets have died from Agent Orange? Often cited as the last verified American POW from the Vietnam War, Garwood was taken to North Vietnam in 1969, and reportedly was released in 1973 along with the other U.S. POWs as part of the Paris Peace Accords. I rode river patrol boats from 1968-9 we were on the rivers but we were there 24hours a day days a week. According to Department of Veterans Affairs' projections, Vietnam Veteran deaths will hit 103,890 this year, about 285 a day. I can somewhat understand your position since you experienced actual combat. of the 1st cav div. 101st Airborne Division, 1969-70 Im a 1967-68 Vietnam combat veteran. Ive reached the age of truth telling, and have grown sick of pretending, and giving trophies to the undeserving I saw good men die, and their loved ones dont deserve this dishonor any longer. . Motherfucker? My husband was also a door gunner (191st AHC gunship) but he was there later than you (70-71). We had a 10,000 gal balloon full of gas while we watched for someone shooting at us or placing a bomb on the bottom of our boat. we had a building where the company stored our property. Not affiliated with any government agencies.All Rights Reserved. Depends on where you were. Then I down shifted entered the worst section of massive ruts and the broken-up roadbed threw the truck all about its grooves. All the others are Vietnam ERA Vets. The roar was deafening; through the shattered windshield, I saw the truck go out of control. The number of people who are Vietnam veterans in the first place is a number that is widely debated. We just hoped the pilot put us where we were supposed to be. I have VSM on my DD215 which deleted the AFEM on my DD214. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. Vietnam War Veterans, and honoring all who served: Memorial Day 2021 as soon as it was ammo or arms, we were machine gunned where ever we went. a few years ago i was flying from rome to possibly germany or holland on the way back to montreal. Agreed. What was the cause of preventable deaths in the Vietnam War? RE: WHO are Vietnam Vets ?. My 2.6 million figure refers to American vets. I will have to disagree with the CIB being the only combat veterans The Battle of Soui Tre 3-21-1967 at Fire Support Base Gold Operation Junction City, the 2/77 Artillery 18 105s and the 3/22 Infantry A & B Cos the enemy lost 881 KIA and UNK WIAs, we lost counting the landing in the 19th 55 KIA & 287 WIA, within an hours Westmorland and other Stars were there claiming this Victory (14 Stars on the battlefield) The Artillery are every bit combat veterans with the infantry and many other FSB battles as well I have a CIB and did 22 months in country late including TET. Now 69 years/old. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. How many Vietnam veterans are dying everyday? Reports from the Department of Veterans Affairs say about 240 300 World War II veterans are still alive in 2021. Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click HERE and choose the one item that best describes you. Im proud to be a surviving vet and the men who served with me then and those after me. The number of people who are Vietnam veterans in the first place is a number that is widely debated. During the Vietnam War, Air Force C-123 planes sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides over the jungles of Southeast Asia to destroy enemy crops and tree cover. Does having your ramp down and touching a river bank count as boots on ground while we were not allowed to go off the boat when we were pumping gas to the airbase? 2010-11-24 14:32:32. Aside from that, I have always doubted any fact stated by the NY Times; although the federal government is no better. But Officers do not get CIBs But for those Cav troopers who know I have my Spurs. At what rate are Vietnam veterans dying? - Answers Antonia is a gifted educator, and she is widely respected within the education community. The amount of compensation a Vietnam War veteran can receive varies depending on their individual circumstances, such as their disability rating and the number of dependents they have. Im going with 2.9 and saying the person who wrote 9.2 has the seing disease whereas they see everything in reverse. But a growing army of strangers is. It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. Got the scars to prove it too, both physical and mental. And though did not serve in actual combat, as you describe it, we were shot at & mortared on occasion. PDF Sobering Statistics Concerning Vietnam Vets As of April 2016 I was on the initial invasion into Cambodia, that battle was 15 REMFS against 300 NVA> The next day we went in with the 25th infantry. I had encountered a learning experience, and inspirational contact with the celestial. So, nearly 300,000 over the 14 years of their operations, a far cry above the 2500-3000 referenced in the article. The dashboard gauges and the gearshift lever approached, as I hit the dashboard with my left side and my head crashed to the floor; My spirit rejoined and I was protected by the firewall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The first US advisors that I can find evidence of arrived in country in 1955. 1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam. These numbers were not included since these service members were far removed from combat experience and did not spend any amount of time in harms way. I and other merchant marine did. I KNOW MY STATS BECAUSE I WAS THE LONGEST SERVING MEMBER (20 YRS) on the New Jersey Agent Orange Commission, including four years as Chairman. There was a huge difference between tours of duty also. nothing exists or will exist in another time. many US MILITARY PERSONNELL served in Afghanistan from the start to when the last GI got on the last plane/helicopter out. ONLY Vietnam Vets are separated into two categories. How Many Vietnam War Veterans Are Still Alive? A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation.Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. So that means probably from 700,000 to 800,000 of us are still alive. These numbers do not include the Americans who served in Vietnam during World War II.