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sounding like a machine gun. When choosing an exterior color for a Cadillac, a popular car amongst Blacks, the color code for black is 19. Also reference to any tourist. In reference to the many casinos popping up on Indian reservations all over America. Also used in the porn industry to refer to white actresses willing to fuck black men. The Spanish "Mullato" translates to "like a mule." Many Greeks wear their hair high on the front of their head, apparently because they use it for protection when in a fight. a mix of Bosnian and chefur used derogatory in Slovenia, typically hard uneducated workers from Bosnia and Hercegovina. From Mexi-Corn, from Southern California reference to Mexicans picking corn or other produce. Neapolitan derogatory term for black person. One of the two black characters on the show South Park is named Token. A fish monger is a Shakespearean term for pimp, and there are many coi at Chinese restaurants, Keye Luke's protege (the young Caine) from the TV series, Kung Fu. Could be combination of Moolie and hooligan. They mostly use this deodorant for days, If one (as a foreigner) listens closely to conversation between Turkish people, it sounds like "yurug" appear quite often, Literally "oily eye" referring to the dark eye color of Turkish people, can also be used for other nationalities. The term Paddy Wagon derives from the idea that the Irish were all criminals, and when the police came to quell a brawl or something of the like, they would just be rounding up a bunch of "paddys.". Same as cracker only derived from the popcorn. Hispanics do most of the hired gardening. (Rude and derogatory.) Amphetamines are popular among Hispanics. Similar words for "black" exist in other languages (Spanish, for example, is "negro"). 5 Popular Phrases With Shockingly Racist Meanings - Bustle From Amos & Andy. Unfortunately the word "r*t" is a slur. Used in Spain as a derogatory term for South American immigrants. Variant: briar-hopper. Can be heard in John Waters' "Female Trouble". Inspired by Star Wars, they are the sand people with the spears. Originally used to describe soldiers, but now used for anyone Scottish. Released from the Bastard Labs, into the Solana sewage systems: Genetically mutated . Yellow Eyed Nigger. #2 would require it be spelled cane-eater, if you prefer. Pronounced 'boo-jee'; refers to all the 7-11 workers of the world. Mexicans (illegals) who crawl under fences, getting their backs scratched up in the process, to get into America. they think they have everything and are more advanced than every other country. ), In the movie "New Jack City" Chris Rock played a black/crack-head named Pookie, Low-income housing with no air conditioning led to many blacks in the projects sitting on the porch to stay cool. The Greeks invented democracy and some say homosexuality, Greeks in general love lamb, but also it makes reference to Greek women's hairy sideburns. Or could also refer to the sound of someone working on a railroad, which Chinese immigrants helped build in 1800's America. Amer () - Russian, mild. Accent on second syllable. Used towards Estonians or Finnish, because of their strange language, i suppose. US army personnel use this as a short version of "comrade" in reference to communism. Illegal Mexican immigrants. Blacks sit out in the yard to keep cool. Heard used by white southern Georgia farmers to describe blacks. The slur is used by any non-Cajun, Black and White alike. Represents their fondness of eating cheese; used mostly by Germans. Probably used because many white males used to live in poverty, surviving by scavenging clams and the like. Prigger usually means a native aboriginal in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, the 3 prairie provinces. Also used by non-black races to poke fun at or try to identify with the black race. Many people from Cuba attempt to sneak into the United States via rafts and boats. Plays on the stereotype that blacks cannot swim, and will "sink like a rock." Represents Asians who, instead of using the Asian video game servers they are assigned, jump to a US server and hog the bandwidth of US users. Ulster Scots who supported the Protestant King William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne came to be known as "Billy Boys." Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). Any child caught speaking Welsh had a board placed around his/her neck and could only get rid of it by "telling on" another child using Welsh. Used by other Hispanics to refer to the Dominicans. Black on the outside, white on the inside. A large number of Native Americans, particularly those living in northwest Canada/Alaska, are said to be addicted to inhalants. Frequently used at sporting events. It means "raw meat eater." There used to be a firecracker called a "niggerchaser" but today they are called simply "chasers. Reference to McDonald's new line of advertising campaigns marketed towards blacks. Jumping beans are popular among Mexicans. Seekh Indians wear turbans because their religion dictates that they may not cut hair. Bastard Law and Legal Definition. Urban Dictionary: Basturd Fog Horn: British: A loud/annoying British person. William "Bojangles" Robinson was a famous black dancer. "Boche" is short for "alcaboche" or cabbage-head. hence the name Flease. The first whites seen in China were sailors. Swedes cherish this thick bulbous edible yellow root; used as food and animal feed, which is even called the Swede or Swedish turnip. The lead singer was black (Hootie), the band was white (The Blowfish). White Westerner (esp. Some African tribes communicate by "clicking.". Origin unknown. non-Thai) of the white race. Term that represents people with big "packages.". The R-word, also known as the R-slur, is a hurtful term that remains prevalent throughout social media, according to a Kantar Social Listening study. Pretty Self-explanatory. Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. On his HBO Sports series The Shop, L.A. Lakers forward LeBron James called the NFL's owners as a bunch of "old white men" and accused them of acting like slave masters. Hence Pontus=Pendos. Seen on bumper stickers: "Haz Patria, Mata Un Chilango" (Make Mexico great, kill a Chilango). Term used in Eastern Europe for Hungarian-Ethnics living in different countries after WWI. Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. Round shape of their faces. From "Scrod," which is a 19th century word for young cod fish. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. Limey: British: The British Royal Navy supplied a daily ration of lime or lemon juice to their sailors to prevent . Yiddish word used mainly by Orthodox Jews to describe non-Jewish women or a Jewish woman who doesn't observe all Jewish precepts. The word "beaner," the worst slur against Mexican-Americans, has popped up recently, amid a rise in hate crimes against Latinos. Originated in the South (pre-Civil War by the slaves). A Hawaiian word meaning simply "person." . Last Thursday, Roselle Park Municipal Court Judge Gary Bundy ordered a local homeowner to take down profane flags critical of President Joe Biden . MULTIPLE reasons have been submitted: A derogatory term for an Asian indicating they have the social status of a black person. Means foreigner (i.e. Same sentiments expressed as in "cracker.". The brim of a cowboy's hat would make an odd suntan across his face. Chad is the country next to Niger in Africa. Source(s) for the Phrase "Gutter Rat" Being an "ASIAN Slur" - reddit Navajo term which roughly translates to "silly white person", Term used by Asians when refering to westerners because of their larger noses. The nocturnal rodent is often a symbol for death, corruption, evil, disease, gluttony, greed, infestation, fear, terror, darkness, torture, filth and . "Outsider" is a euphemism that Hylians use for Gerudo. The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. Used during the vietnam war referring to VC or Victor Charlie. Crows were scouts for the American Military or considered tradors by other Native Americans. Hindu character from The Simpsons. Thus, people who live in housing projects often sit out front to keep cool. Jungle is referred to their jungle origins and bunny is referred to some people saying that jack rabbits looked like 'lynched' black people. Short for "Anglophone" and used in Quebec, especially for Anglophones in Quebec province itself. Portuguese in San Diego worked principally as tuna fishermen. Ross Perot, while at the 1992 NAACP convention in Nashville TN, frequently addressed his audience as "you people." anyone can ride her. The "runs" is a term commonly used to speak of diahrrea; also because black people are known to excel in running. Shortened. Used by hockey players to make fun of blacks playing basketball. cheesy), Rizzo's pasta sauce advertises on dumpsters, Italian body odor is often reminiscent of salami, Popular Italian dish and method of eating said dish. Champion is used by Spaniards to refer to Ecuadorian immigrants in Spain. Self-explanatory. A person who has many different races in his blood. Giants. Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. Based on the stereotype that Hispanics steal cars. Some blacks call other "Dawgs". Used by white people to describe other white people, is offensive if black people say it to whites. (sh-var-tza) Stems from the Yiddish word schvartz, or black. Used as a greeting between gang members ("Yo, G, what up?"). Chicano derogatory term referring to Hispanics who can't speak Spanish. Pronounced "flems", from Monty Python's Flying Circus. Because they pick rice. Adapted from: Nigger, See: Nigger. Started when there was a big Italian emigration to the U.S., and many were coming in illegally (with out papers). Black/Any other race. n. a really wretched or despised person. Updated version of FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and refers to any recent immigrant who cannot speak english well. (meaning 'is this right? Derives from an Albanian word for themselves, but can be derog. Police-type term referring to blacks driving through white neighborhoods. Concatenation of Chinese or Chink and Honky. So are the poor, crowded neighborhoods that Blacks are forced into. Sunnyside up has a white inside and yellow outside. Found offensive among certain groups. It was created so that they could refer to blacks in a derrogatory way and not get in trouble. May or may not be derogatory, depending on your point of view. Normally used among Hispanics towards other Hispanics. Italian/Jewish mix. Derogatory term used by South African whites during the apartheid era, now considered an offense and beeped out from the media (like an ordinary curse in USA), Black women that are nannies. A black person(cricket) in a sea of white(the moon). Mexican term for white Americans. A white that tries to act black (white & black mix = gray). The KKK is condemned by most "Confederate" organizations. Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". Probably a derivation of "Baboon" or the black "Boon Bug" beetle. Origins are unknown. Feminine version is Guidette. Also known as skinnies. Self Explanatory. A bastard who is characterized by devious and base intentions. Refers to greedy, money centered nature of Jews. Black people seen on the ski slopes; a stereotype that they generally don't go skiing because they dislike the cold. Probably not a very good slur, as it's one of the words of NAACP. Stereotypical softdrink of choice (considered quite insulting). The original Marine uniform included a stiff white and/or leather collar topping a dark blue coat, giving their heads an inhuman appearance, like they would screw on and off like a jar's lid. Bad hair cut (short on top, long in back) rural whites sport fashionably. (we aren't supposed to be here), African's naturally bouncy/kinky hair, when uncut, tends to be big and poofy when dried out. From Afro hair style and Bro for brother. They can'ardly see, originated in Australia. A large segment of Romanians are either Gypsies or of Gypsy origin. Referring to common head dressings of middle easterners. Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. Tosser - Supreme Asshole or jerk. Combination form of Spic and Picaninny. Stereotypical Aussie behaviour. Bird-like features, many english have big noses. Used more commonly than the outdated "Gringo", Ghouls are said to be pale skinned like a dead person. A stereo type of American Indians referencing their prevalence to excessive alcohol consumption. Same as nigger in the United States. Almost exclusively used as a derogatory word for whites after the U.S. armed takeover of the Hawaiian Monarchy. Like a shyster lawyer. The eucalyptus is a native plant of Australia. Much like a wetback, when they cross the Rio Grande river their backs get soaked. Hence, a modern Iraqi merchant would be called a Jingley. is rat bastard a slur - In reference to the big brown Chewbacca the Wookie. This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. They think that every Finn is "pekka" and that they are jerks. The Russian word for the Russian language is pronounced "pa-rooski." Derived from the sound of them speaking (as heard by a dumb American). "Big Mexican Woman (or Women)" - applied to heavy or obese Hispanic women. Defined as those who are obsessed with Japanese culture, including but not limited to: frequently watching/reading and having an expansive knowledge of anime and manga, frequently listening to j-pop, wanting to learn Japanese, playing copious amounts of bemani and RPGS (or just imported Japanese games), collecting Japanese merchandise, driving a rice burner, and wishing to visit frequently or even live in Japan. By itself it is not derogatory. Alert all commands: An order used on Imperial starships as a general alert. Pronounced like "Dracula", Any mix of races. Having someone bite the curb and kicking him in the back of the head is a painful way to kill someone. As in "Cafe de Chales" = Chinese-run or owned cafe. In reference to how many Arabians deal slushees out of their convenience stores. Famous Italian vidoegame plumber. Actually is a shortened version of "Gai-koku-jin" (literally "outside-country-person," the NICE way to say "foreigner.") The adults were called "porch monkeys," and the children were "yard apes.". (M) (vulgar) That bastard got arrested for stealing purses from old ladies again. Synonymous with friend in the black community, used by other races to poke fun at that. in Korean) which sounded like they were saying "Me gook." How to use bastard in a sentence. The Christian Bible includes the "New Testament" whereas the Jewish Bible does not. Comes from St. Patrick and/or from the common Irish name Padraig. They're salty because of all the days they were on the Ocean water. The highest level of education many Blacks get to. Yiddish (German origin) word for Black. Also in reference to always wanting stuff for free. The world's first artificial satellite sent into space. When in France, many of the French heard the Cajuns speaking in a French that was both very old and in a French that had some very odd words. Used in Australia. Rat Bastard - phrase meaning and origin - Phrasefinder Represents a slang term for Blacks or a derogatory term for a White woman who sleeps or has children from Blacks. I then looked up the word for "gutter", then "gutter rat" and then "rat" itself and found nothing. An Americanized Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Short for Jewish. Bengali's eat a lot of fish and go fishing often. Represents a typical Asian name. Attributed to fishing heritage/large number of Greek immigrants to US with that trade. Was used to indicate an educated black man during the civil war; white collar blacks were pretty rare - only white people had desk jobs. A Canadian Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Based on the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ", Japanese derogatory term-"kuro"=black color; "chan"=suffix used for children or someone younger. Bantha Brain - An insult indicating one has the intelligence of the slow-moving Bantha ("Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees," Tales From Jabba's Palace). A Tamil word used by the Indians to insult the Chinese. The color of peanut butter. Austrians and Bavarians use it for Northern Germans. The heavy influence of the potato in Ireland. Black males who behave like whites or talk very proper. Thieves in the Arab countries get their hand chopped off. Smash grapes with feet to make wine, hence grape smasher. Very white with a big head. ", Used for white guys who act like black guys, comes form a biscuit that was vanilla on outside choclate on inside. is rat bastard a slur miami dolphins future draft picks 2022 June 21, 2022. salvation army in los angeles california used to describe people or things that piss off or annoy you in anyway. Eskimo was once acceptable in Canada, and still is almost anywhere else. Refers to how locals in Hawaii are big/fat/dumb. Heard in Japan, used by non-Japanese. The crowded, poor Jewish neighborhoods were called "Ghettoes." It just means those who are not in whatever religion the Arabic speaker adheres to (Christianity or Islam). Some of the people from Newfoundland are considered to be less intelligent. "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said kicking off the conversation. British), often preceded by "chow" (stinky) or "si" (goddamned). They always work on in the field of construction, thats were Bull "Dozer" comes into play. Nigger + Hindu. Specific words of the original submitter, of which I am fascinated by. Used a lot in Australia where there was a large arrival of Lebanese immigrants in the mid 80's. Europe laughed, name stuck. coined by "The Chief", June 2000 RIP For Rednecks. it is a combination of CHIleno + NEGRO (black). Applies to people of non-Thai origin. Black people in the United States and Canada use this term to refer to an older, beaten up, junky car. Originally referring to the primarily coloured hobos who live on Table Mountain near Cape Town. "I haven't seen or heard anything like this in more than 40 years, maybe 45," the 70-year-old Lewis said. It's what you call a black guy that stutters, In the South, some Blacks refer to all beverages as "Cold Drinks." colleen wolfe marshawn; joliet inwood gym membership; vinelink inmate lookup australia; Same idea as Sand Nigger, only with Moolie. Same as hillbilly. The director-general of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-influenced World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is not a medical doctor and is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism. . Because they are known to have a lot of beans in their diet and are also hired many times to pick beans for (sometimes less than) minimum wage. Troops from Korea sent to Vietnam to fight on the side of the United States. (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. ', Spanish/Chinese mix. Used by lifeguards, because they're always rescuing blacks; they sink like rocks. Blacks who suck up to white people. 1 contributor. The French are said to laugh like frogs. is rat bastard a slur - See: Wop. Used by Native Americans as derogatory for other Native Americans who are red on the outside but white on the inside. After Ringo Starr of the Beatles. Stands for 'Perpetrator In Training.'. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. When the whites were sitting on the bus, the blacks had to stand and hold onto the strap. Read in National Lampoon. Common Hispanic food is bean burritos and the coloring of the beans is similar to the coloring of their skin. Chinese people who try to act black; like Wanksta for white people. Not really derogatory. Down With Brown. Facial feature looks like a spoon on their forehead, All people from sudamerica laughs when they see a chilean and call'em that way. Of all Asian groups, Koreans are said to have the biggest heads. The following is a list of ethnic slurs or ethnophaulisms or ethnic epithets that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or racial group or to refer to them in a derogatory, pejorative, or otherwise insulting manner.