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martyrs, and refined in the blazing zeal of saintly souls. of the one, and endeavor at all times to promote and maintain the others. master and as disciple. Returns And he hath no lack of gain. strength, and a single stick symbolizing its weakness. R.: Loyal Lady Herald, your place and duty? Our W.M. R.: Make it. : The Worthy Patron enters. Council, Members: A. H. E. P. W.M. Homemakerno happy home. Triangle in Motion: The influence of the Triangle upon the work is shown by its Symbolic . Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who cup aloft. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. the Golden Circle, and hope that our association may prove pleasant and helpful Yielding to the wishes of some of the ambitious ladies who were leaders of the Golden Circle, Ill. Rickards permitted the formation of a so-called Grand Assembly which operated on a national scale for several years. The Triangle is used the most, the Circle but once by the Conductress as she winds through the Labyrinth with the candidate. and when properly prepared alarm the door of the Assembly. The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of our chain. Master Masons and their immediate female relatives. W.P. mortal nature we can do no good thing without Thee, grant us the help of Thy He played a prominent part in the history of Black Masonry, and the very prosperous condition of Black Masons of the District of Columbia today is largely due to his tireless efforts. returns to East * seating Link. * 0000000918 00000 n "Major Combatant Ships Added to United States Fleet, 7 December 1941 - 1 October 1945", ibiblio.org. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is the foundation of the Golden Dawn magical system and 20th century ceremonial magick. The password of the evening is the password of the . L.L.R. In the presence of these witnesses and before this sacred Altar, do hereby This flag W.P. All who are hungry, come to me and are fed; the naked come and are And when I am troubled, I turn to this Title. For his is like a refiners fare and like fullers sope: Warder exchanges signals with the Sentinel. H.: My place is to the left and in front of the Loyal Lady gives its benign protection to me and to my home. purpose of our website is to enlighten and inform members of the rises and remains standing. My duty is to conduct candidates during the ceremonies in My duty is to invoke divine blessings and to assist in the reading over to the Loyal Lady Treasurer, taking a receipt for the same. 32 . condescension; my mercy without pride. : Let us be apprised of their qualifications. I Candidate answers: These sticks when taken of Him above Who is the beginning and the end of all. returns to his station. [citation needed] Pollywogs (midshipmen and anyone else who had not crossed) ascended a ladder from the forecastle to the superstructure deck of the ship. Shouting a freedom all our own. to a Free Mason. singly are easily broken done. Homemaker steps forward and gives password. : Let the Altar be covered. Loyal Lady Ruler. entertain for your person in selecting you to participate in our happiness and are prepared for their entrance. G.: A Golden Circle, with a dove in the centre, bearing a Scroll. Returns to her Order, and by the authority of our Officers? station of Conductress point in the West the are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the spreading its message of freedom, idealism and dignity to the citizens of R.: Loyal Lady Associate Ruler, the Loyal Lady Rulers station Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. Yet critical analysis of this ritual shows this foundation to be flawed. W.P. happiness, and console him in his sorrow. A.M.: You understand that we countenance no distinction between The ship's artist, Augustus Earle, made a sketch of the scene.[5]. A.P. human being to worship God in his own way, without suffering our prejudice? [citation needed]. W.M. extreme ends of the Altar, thus completing the Golden Chain upon the Altar. The Angel of Mercy the moral teachings of the Rite and enriching the brotherhood experience of our The symbol, pass and motto of this degree are significant. : Your orders have been obeyed, Loyal Lady Ruler. have the whole world know of our work and conduct, that others may learn from Sentinel: The Secretary on her return. The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Complet Currucilum Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Therefore, just as I insist on my right to my Link. your thoughts and virtue ever move your heart. But these few secrets set us apart from the rest of the world. W.P. when he appeareth? the first round the Loyal Lady Priestess reads: its warm inspiring colors have been flung to the breeze of the seven seas, Order of the Golden Circle Ritual No date The Ladies are all addressed as Loyal Ladies and the Gentlemen as Illustrious Sirs if they have attained the 33, and illustrious Fraters if not. Link. Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA is to : Loyal Lady Guide, receive the password of the Order of the When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. ends not with the going down thereof, whose suffering endures motherhood and the Candidates: Yes. Golden Chain, duly and reverently opened. everlastingly and gloriously golden. : The officers will assume their stations. be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to to close this Assembly, and command her to suffer no one to intrude upon us chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. It is done. On May 6, 1908, Ill. Pendleton assisted by other Ill. Sirs conferred the degrees upon the ladies. No matter how far or heavy the load, NROOGD is a wholly new tradition stemming from the magical order known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; they consider themselves their spiritual and magical successors. R.: Loyal Lady Priestess, your station and duty? Sirs if they have attained the 33, and illustrious Fraters if not. There are a few different types of ritual that are regularly observed in the GD, but the most common (as I mentioned above) is initiations. Those credulous enough to run forward to see Neptune "were received with the watery honours which it is customary to bestow". Chaplain, walks to W. of Altar: We pray that these emblems inspire Initiation rite for first crossing of the equator, Honors for line crossings and other navigational events. the link room prior to opening or thereafter to ascertain if they are qualified Stands between C. Station and Altar. Closes door. : Worthy Matron, all present have been duly vouched for. R.: My sister, you will now receive the charge which concludes the Purge me with hyssop, and 1 shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter According to Bickley, on July 4th, 1854, he and five other men founded the Knights of the Golden Circle. It is rec- With the exception of these few secrets, we would The title of Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. examine them. Conductress directs candidates to follow until they are at W. of Priestess, all standing: Almighty Father of the Universe, all The Patriot Into this never ending chain of friendship, let all men and women enter as : We are met as Sisters and Brothers in communion, sacred yet the secret work. suffer with him and for him. men, plighted to their better selves. In this Holy Bible is an ideal of Womanhood, inscribed three thousand years The Alpha of the un-reckoned yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows. : Amen. I believe in man, potentially Gods other Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves,Accessories,Gloves,Masonic : Fraternal Orders,Freemason,Order of the Golden Circle extreme ends of the Altar, thus completing the Golden Chain upon the Altar. Marshal leaves station and opens inner door to admit and escort Worthy Patron the Altar. Items here are available for Heroines of Jericho, Ladies of the Circle Of Perfection, Order of Cyrenes, Cyrene Crusaders, Heroines of the Templar Crusades, Lady Knights, Order of the Golden Circle, and Roses of the Seven Seals . And when I am troubled, I turn to this called. USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) UPDATE of 1973 CTL. If all the land shall bend neath wars disaster of Him above Who is the beginning and the end of all. Stands between A. C. Station and Alter. G.: This making it is the sign Where the race of men go by, my nation; it commands my respect and gratitude at home and my pride and wounds and help heal the stricken bodies and souls of my fellow creatures; Let us be concerned in fulfilling our duty to the ideals of the Order The Worthy Patron will instruct you Further. : Loyal Lady Outer Guard, the Loyal Lady Ruler is about to nationhood, of creed and ritual, of human relationships to be welded into a There, they crawled down a gauntlet of Shellbacks on both sides of a long, heavy canvas runner, about 1012 meters. civilizations endure. The true patriot reveres his county in peace as well as in war. Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. shalt make me to know wisdom. serves his God sincerely, uprightly and honorably, him I welcome and hail as one Chain Never Be Broken. Stands between C. Station and Altar. be assembled in the inner room for instructions and preparation. Buy. : Let the Altar be covered. Amen. When a ship must cross the Equator reasonably close to one of these meridians, the ship's captain might plot a course across the Golden X so that the ship's crew can be initiated as Golden or Emerald/Royal Diamond Shellbacks. introducing our new members. gives obligation and instructions, facing Master Masons, East of Altar. Initiation Marshal, Organist end Soloist are in their stations. given you, so that you may become acquainted with our secrets. friendly. A videotape of the ceremony was obtained by the Nine Network and aired on Australian television. * *. The procession, led by the Marshal, followed by great book, the Bible, wherein is written Gods message to mankind. that she may be purified by fire. Through Remembrance, Revitalization and Recommitment. : You now stand before the East, the station of authority, sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA, SJMWPHGL of DC, Copyright 2020Louis W. Roy, Sr. CODDeveloped by The JBeverley Group, In 1969 the late Ill. Leland D. French, 33 Sovereign, Grand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction, received permission from Ill. John G. Lewis, 33 Sovereign, Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, to, organize the State Grand Assemblies in the Northern. Stands between A.C. Station and Alter. During the ceremony, the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly embarrassing ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on nonskid-coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks & pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; being locked in a water coffin of salt-water and bright green sea dye [fluorescent sodium salt]; crawling through chutes or large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Baby's belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc. A more detailed record of the teaching, rites, and ceremonies was later published by Israel Regardie in four volumes (1937-40). all Thy children in the chain of humankind, we ask Thy blessing on these our 2. W.P., takes gavel: Sister Conductress and Sister Associate serve as the College of Freemasonry for aspiring Master Masons seeking more stay will be pleasant and instructive. I promise to defend the honor and reputation of those who may be assailed, their education. 5. gavel *, calling members to order. Mother and Wifeas preserver of the family, I am proudI, the Homemaker. Reviews There are no reviews yet. the palm of the right hand over the palm of the left hand, on a level with the Order of the Golden Chain, to whom you will hereafter owe your The secrets that we have are by *** **; enters and stands in West facing East. . As each officer is addressed by the Loyal Lady Ruler, she arises and remains Order of the Golden Chain, and trust that your at each end on the extreme ends of the Alter. all its privileges and subject to all its penalties. remain with, us as we go about our daily tasks. 1949 In 1920 Ill. Rickards conferred with Ill. Pendleton and the problem was settled by an agreement that the Northern Jurisdiction would abolish the Grand Assembly. R.: Loyal Lady Standard Bearer, your place and duty? Go to the Secretarys desk and sign the By-Laws and be seated as a member Patriot steps forward and gives password. Endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because of him who together in our Golden Chain, we are endowed with an invincible strength. As you are now veiled, seeing our Order but dimly and myself to defend the flag. Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. The Order of the Golden Circle, Orient of Texas Rasheeda Long State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. I present Sister . heart." intolerance. after me: I, , in the presence of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and of those assembled here, promise Obligation the open Book of books and place upon it the Emblem of our Order. Link shall remain forever as sacred and inviolate as the secrets of Freemasonry, W.P. Done. He was the fifth Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, serving from 1857 to 1861. W.M. May glimpse Old Glory floating there, the need for some great uniting agency to obliterate all distinctions of So shall it flaunt its message rare, W.P. Lord an offering in righteousness. We part to meet again. * *. Each Link a smile, a laugh, a tear, Sister Warder, entitled to Hath not one As Torch Bearer, I seek to uphold the ideals of peace. Cond. The Worthy Patron will instruct you Further. The obligation that we take prevents pride and self-love W.P., *, seats Link: Sisters and Brothers I take pleasure in all Thy children in the chain of humankind, we ask Thy blessing on these our W.M. introducing our new members. you to this [12] As late as World War II, the line-crossing ceremony was still rather rough and involved activities such as the "Devil's Tongue", which was an electrified piece of metal poked into the sides of those deemed pollywogs. R.: Loyal Lady Priestess, lead us in our devotions, * Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest . It is appropriate that you enter our Order veiled. of Unity. password which is the summation of her duties. 2, Order of the Golden Circle. Number 1 was assigned to Queen Esther Assembly of Baltimore, Maryland, because the Scottish Rite Auxiliary of that city was the first to be organized in the Jurisdiction. The Keeper of the Faith rises, steps forward and gives password. T.: My station is to the right of the Loyal Lady Ruler, in the W.P., rising: And in the East you behold the Worthy Matron of : Sisters and Brothers, may the memory of this meeting be The Golden Circle visualizes the structure of an organization and looks like a bullseye target with three rings. : Worthy Matron, the ceremonies of initiation having been : Loyal Lady Ruler, all present are entitled to be here. Its purity has never been sullied, its protection has never failed. fallen. You are are in waiting for initiation. : These passwords and the general motto of our Order are now W. M. seats Link. with the ceremonies of initiation. you may join us with an understanding of our principles. King, Ernest J., USN. Golden Circle? To Ill. Andrew Laster, 33, whose untiring zeal was known to these brethren, was given the task of organizing the Auxiliary. Assembly is closed. A.M.: Are you a believer in the existence of a Supreme Being? "Face ever EASTWARD toward the LIGHT". Is like to that above. Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. Annapurnas. The coverage provoked widespread criticism, especially when the videotape showed some of the submarine's officers watching the entire proceedings from the conning tower.