He would have already heard the shots to the head fractions of a second earlier. As of Z-337, he hasnt even touched the limo yet, let alone mount it. On Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:16:15 PM UTC-4, charles wallace wrote: Doug Horne states in the comments section of one of the recent topics at Morley's site that he believes Abe Zapruder began filming at 18 fps & then pushed the button all the way down & caught the Elm St. sequence in slow motion(48 fps). Kids, this is before digital technology. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. As a writer, hes questioned the way that photographic images can document the nature of truth (in his recent book Believing Is Seeing). Muchmore film shows the brake lights turn on as they approach the fence and Nix film clearly shows the car slow down so dramatically the motorcycle cops flanking the as car catch the limo and possibly move as far west as the rear bumper as they were caught off guard. Source: JFK Assassination Film: Proof of Tampering? This can only mean one thing. . John F. Kennedy. Stay up to date on the latest articles and news from Noel. Some have felt frames were excised where Zapruders camera stops initially and then motorcade proceeds down Elm. Cranor asks: Where is the Zapruder film equivalent to this Nix frame see above? In any case, thanks for your superb work and please keep it up! There have been arguments that this is a kind of optical illusionthe most convincing to me being that JFK had been hit from behind after the previous frame, 312, slamming his chin forward to his chest, and his head was rebounding backward in Frame 313. We could build a postwar future on that edifice. The film has two breaks in it, and, some have argued, perhaps. His accused killer. A filmmaker, Alex Cox, the director of Sid & Nancy, among other movies, just put a reply to my Umbrella Man film on the web, Morris says. What is the word missing at the top of page 7? George H.W. There is of course a third option. Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit - Assassination Research Even if we dont know whether its Castro, the KGB, the CIA or a host of other possibilities, we know theres some kind of deep malefaction at work., While the lone assassin suggests that almost anyone you pass by on the sidewalk could be a ticking time bomb., Finally, we watched it. And this threw everything up for grabs. Its like everyone is waiting their turn, having already rehearsed their part, and only little America is not in on it. There are only 6 frames missing from the " JFK Assassination, A Visual Investigation" versision of the film. It makes absolutely no sense that Zapruder would show up to film the Kennedys, stop filming the very moment the lead motorcycles and cars round the corner, only to presume work again. The evidence strongly supports the Zapruder Film as being accurate and there is a very good correation between it and the acoustical evidence. That is all for now. Cookie Policy that large tree, and thats where I saw the shot come from.. Shooting a revolver into a hard object- it seemed to have some type of echo. An analysis of the photo pins the running woman as somewhere in the range of 7 feet tall. Bush, code named Timberwolf, was indeed in Dallas on that November day, a fully functioning member of the CIA. compositing artifact, mutated with the merging together of multiple film sources. Just look at Bush. And indeed he looks really out of place.. Let's say 18 X 15 frames, or 270 frames are missing from the Zapruder Gap. Its almost like history is a kind of snake swallowing its tail., Part of the problem of rationality and irrationalityand it really is a problemis how do you separate the two? Suddenly, we see JFK clutch his throat. This could be due to the fact that her curbside narrative is legitimate, assuming we are not looking at the composite of multiple takes, and her position has been altered. Oh, thats right. All of the films show the limo slowingbut it didnt stop. Zen Garcia was kind enough to ask me to speak at the upcoming 2023 Sacred Word Revealed conference in Atlanta, Georgia. web pages Since the Comments section for the original WhoWhatWhy article is long since closed, I will attempt to comment here: Like the person who posted the one-word comment at the latter, it appears to me that by the time the key frames appear in the respective videos, Zapruder was significantly farther aft of the limousine than was Nix and thus the apparent differences *could* be due to parallax. You dont simply turn a reel of film off and on again without a slight hiccup in the presentation. America had been a bad boy. Who do you think runs the Gallup polls? Apparently, on the 22 of November, 1963, Jean immediately ran to the grassy knoll where she saw a puff of smoke and a shadowy figure. I have chosen the word immediate, or else why would she run? No, this is not proof that George H.W. Ultimately Life decided to withhold Frame 313. Abraham Zapruder, an unassuming man with an ordinary camera.. None were altered. For those citing Hornes interview with Brugioni one might do well to listen carefully when Brugioni says that he counted the number of frames. WhoWhatWhy. Its incredibly sad, still, looking at it today. which have no meaning to me. This is probably a good place to remind everyone that I love my family, am not on psychotropic drugs, and have never once thought about committing suicide. The end of a certain kind of innocence that we bought into. An entire week has gone by and still I make no apologies. But we know thats all part of the psyop. Technical assistance courtesy of the Mary Ferrell Foundation | Designed by iWebResults. Spooks. They believe that when he raised the umbrella it was a signal for the assassins?, As in all of these theories, there are multiple versions, there are variants. the whole pattern is thrown off. There are no frames missing from the Zapruder film. Moreover, although Life had a copy of the film, it did little to maximize the return on its extraordinary investment. The above screenshot just arrived in my mailbox the other day, and its not the first. If you look to the far right you will see what appears to be an inhuman looking shape-shifter. Frame 133 is the first frame to showing the presidential limousine, after a camera stop. For some reason perhaps to sell his book, perhaps? WhoWhatWhy. The significance of the tape would not become known until 1978. The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of celluloid contained in the U.S. National Archives, scientifically processed. Not so. The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Frame 313 Exposed Not even John Wilkes Booth could accomplish that task. There are also a couple of numbers and symbols between these two phrases addition, frames 208, 209, 210, and 211 are missing due to mishandling by an . This is a problem because Zapruder's 8 mm Bell & Howell displayed no fade in exposure while it slowed down and then started back up again. We have already established the fact, and this is a matter of public record, that agent Abraham Zapruder, the man who gave us one of the most important film documentations of the 20th-century, was indeed a 33-degree Freemason. There should be hundreds filling this one print alone. Kids, this is before digital technology. There is another glaring problem here, because agent Zapruder never captured Jean Hill making any such notion towards the Lincoln. How adorable. This probably has something to do with the fact that he was photographed in front of the Book Depository Building within hours or minutes of Lee Harvey Oswalds arrest, and the thought of an alibi had never occurred to him. noticed some white letters kept flashing on the left of the film in the The perfect crime. What do you think? Freemasons and the Illuminated from the local Lodge often like to let me know theyre keeping an eye on me. They had positioned themselves there knowing it would make the perfect photograph of John and Jackie Kennedy. That trajectory work would produce charts which do not conform to the Zapruder film. And more than anything, they want to be fooled by it. We know somebody killed Kennedy and theres an answer to the question of who and why. Welcome. Look to the lamppost and then beyond that lamppost to the elongated truck. If a man that powerful, that young, that rich, that successful, can just be wiped off the face of the earth in an instant, what does it say about the rest of us?. Its not like Zapruder was facing in the direction of the Book Depository Building or the grassy knoll, suspected location of the first and second shooters. Thinking about the silly Umbrella Man theory, I exclaim, He did it! A weaponized camera. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). Bush, the Skull and Bones alumni who would ascend from Director of the CIA to Vice-President under Reagan and finally Commander and Chief of the Corporate United States, was not yet a member of Central Intelligence when Kennedy was shot. . At one point momentarily Zapruder is seen moving his camera down from his line of vision during his filming sequence. In addition to all this, two years ago Morris made a six-minute documentary about the Zapruder film for the New York Times, focusing on one shadowy figure in it: the so-called Umbrella Man. And then, in the recurrent irony of conspiracy theory pathology, Morris himself became the subject of JFK conspiracy coverup fantasy. On frame 329 you can see him in the inter sprocket area just mounting the rear of the limo. Theyll rear you in the craft and then bus you out to the event for free. Is that the mysterious Babushka lady standing stage left? JFK Assassination Film: Proof of Tampering? Morris new film, after all, about Donald Rumsfeldfamous for his line about unknown unknownsis called The Unknown Known. As of 333, he is just about to mount the car, but has not even touched the car yet. Vaseline, perhaps? Which brings us back to the dining room of Errol Morris hotel and the six-minute film he made about the Umbrella Man in the Zapruder film. Similarly, are there other accounts/interviews with anyone that watched the original film on that Saturday morning (Nov 23) that would support film alteration?? Its endlessly haunting and disturbing, he says. Even President James Buchanan would have a larger turnout. The most important, to the present inquiry, are the earliest of these early Zapruder film frames. Figure 5 shows Zapruder Frames Z313-Z316, which capture the "back and to the left" motion exhibited by the President immediately after the bullet impact. The whole JFK assassination was a ritual, the alterations were also a ritual. Take a note of that. By denying that image, Frame 313, I think he was trying to protect himself, protect America., Protect a certain stable view of the world? A shot that might be the one we see hit the president in Frame 313. And yet I have already explained in my last paper that the second shooter was another layer to the psyop, created by spooks in order to throw us off their scent. The shot was fired from the TSBD at 325 to impact at 328 and Zapruder blurred his film at 331, 6 frames later just as he had for the previous shot from the TSBD fired at 221 with an accompanying blur at 227, 6 frames later. FOR WHATEVER subconscious reason that I care not to evaluate here, I went with the unorthodox position of claiming Zapruders footage of the JFK assassination was a royal hoax before ever showing a shred of evidence for it. If the Warren Commission, which was made up of top ranking Freemasons, the CIA Director, and a future president, wanted to steer America away from pondering the possibility of a cover up, why would they even ask the lady in red to testify? And now we are on the subject of the Zapruder film. Safe at least in the sense that we can know about it. Information on Jeans boyfriend is terribly difficult to come by. Which brings us up to today. If correct, many more than 7 frames were excised from the film. The Umbrella Man himself showed up to give testimony to the House assassinations committee, Morris says. Still poised in position while LIFE Magazine stands around, capturing their drama for the nation. For an even better video on this subject see : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKqWozXc4KY The newer analysis by another up loader using a better copy of . Zapruder did not start filming again at frame 133. This fall, Tom Hanks will produce another cinematic version of the assassination, a movie called Parkland (after the Dallas hospital), with Paul Giamatti playing our man Abraham Zapruder. Where is that line of demarcation between nutso thinking and good thinking?. That gives one a lot of scenes to use elsewhere. The Overlooked Zapruder Frames . There is a big blob where his skull once was. At what point did she chase after the second shooter? And he reproduced a clip of his appearance before the committee in his Umbrella Man film. Theres the version where the umbrella was a signal to the co-conspirators. ), And coming up with a conspiracy theory to explain the assassination is at least a way of regaining some control over the world?, Conspiracy theories often provide solace, he says. Both cameras were running continuously and both recorded the same sequence of events. I hope to see my readers there! Shed take to the bottle, lose her career as a teacher to some scandal, and then jump off a bridge. Looking a bit disheveled, like an aging pedant, shuffling around a cluttered office, Cox shows that an umbrella could have been used as a weapon by using an elaborate schematic diagram of a weaponized umbrella, complete with flchettes. Learn how your comment data is processed. More than likely he is a Freemason. Two of those films are stored at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and the third is in the Museum's Zapruder Collection. Jackie leans over to attend to him. Contrarily, the CIA wanted America to theorize over the potential for conspiracy. Videos Zapruder Film - 1st Dan Rather CBS TV News Description 25 Nov 1963 Zapruder Film - 2nd Dan Rather CBS TV News Description 25 Nov 1963 Randy Robertson claims that you can see Clint Hill in frame Z-329 in the inter sprocket area just mounting the rear of the limo. This is conspicuously false. And yet, theres no apparent fade out as is often customary when releasing or pressing the shutter button of the camera. And then Cox goes further: He suggests that the man who testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations was up to something, perhaps sent to deceive the committee. PDF The Great Zapruder Film Hoax - Assassination Science Bruglioni thought there was more frames showing the awful blood spatter after Frame 313. Not only did Hill hear this shot but Zapruder did as well. Different perspectives can make the same thing seem different. 10X18.3=183 10X18.5=185. No one adding or subtracting frames to the film on the weekend of the 22nd would have known of the existence and significance of the DPD Dictabelt tape which had fortuitously recorded the sound of the gunfire in Dealey Plaza. My arrival is predicated upon me speaking exclusively on the Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood subject, which has been plastered all over TUC over the last few years. Again the renewed shock of watching it (rather than Stones far-fetched military-industrial-complex conspiracy theory) had its effect: Public reaction pushed Congress to pass the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which ordered that the declassification of literally millions of assassination documents be expedited. With all of the goblygook and technical jargon about certain frames etc., one only has to look very closely at the Nix film. That's . Can anyone comment or point me in the right direction to learn more. As of frame 332, he still hasnt mounted the car, but at least he is visible. Zapruder's film lasts 26.6-seconds, consists of 486 frames, and runs at 18.3 frames per second. The copy now in the Museum's collection was apparently also damaged when it was at LIFE and it, too, may be lacking one or two of the "missing" frames. Notice the family ducking for cover. And it would be so much easier to dismiss the impression of a frontal shot as an illusion, because otherwise youd have to doubt the conclusion of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald, who was positioned behind the president, was the lone gunman. Upon closer examination There is unlikely a person alive who cannot remember where they were on November 22, 1963. If you play the footage slowly, the head wound constantly changes shape. Your email address will not be published. And we can never know that we can never learn it. versision of the film. I personally interviewed crisis actors after the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, and I can tell you that inconsistent crises actors are a dime a dozen. Hidden in Plain View -- The First Dealy Plaza Shot in the Zapruder Film Timberwolf had a hand in the illusion. All you little JFK researchers lack basic common sense and spread a lot of misinfo with your ignorance. And Im going. Three or four more shots rang out and the motorcade sped away. Jean repeated her account to the Warren Commission in 1964, and adamantly rejected their single gunman findings. It truly was the end of the 50s. On this same frame you will see a flare of reflected light from the windshield due to deformation of the chrome frame from a bullets impact one frame earlier at frame 328. Rebecca came to TUC during the summer of 2021 after following the breadcrumb trail from Rob Skiba and Nephelim research and soon thereafter began following the Torah. We see the black Lincoln Continental with JFK and his wife, Jackie, in a pink skirt-and-jacket suit. Remember, the only reason you know about the existence of a possible second shooter is because of Jean Hill. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Jackie frantically crawls over the rear seat of the open car and climbs onto its rear deck grasping at something that has been described as a piece of her husbands shattered skull. That and the magic bullet theory, created by 33 degree Freemason Arlen Spector, was all a part of the psyop. There are a Total of 9 frames missing from " Image of an Assassination, A New Look at the Zapruder Film". One important thing. In other words, multiple takes. Assassination of John F. Kennedy, mortal shooting of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. I have watched his five-hour YouTube account about the autopsy and how the Zapruder film was altered, and his evidence is overwhelming. 48. I stress assassination. Once Zen and company release the official schedule I plan on scheduling a TUC meetup. The Zapruder film, silent but in color, shows a motorcade led by two open-top limousines proceeding at a stately pace through a street lined with people. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). In a recorded interview in 2011 by Peter Janney, Bruglioni agreed with the eyewitnesses (and Zapruder's partner Erwin Schwartz) that the frame 313 in the Zapruder film was not what he had seen. The Muchmore film suggests frames were removed from the Zapruder film The implication is that all is uncertainty, that well never know who killed Kennedy or why to any degree of certainty. Morningstar says he has the missing frames of Zapruder. And he made no changes to the film itself. The only reason we consider it as such is because spook communities and the media tell us it is. The next seismic event in the Zapruder films odyssey came in the slam-bang conclusion of Oliver Stones conspiracy-theory film JFK, a reverential account of New Orleans DA Jim Garrisons real-world fiasco of an investigation, which climaxed with Garrison, played by Kevin Costner, dramatically showing the jury the Zapruder film, complete with Frame 313. I would agree with that, replies Morris. This article is brought to you by my commercial sponsor, BOSCO chocolate flavored syrup. It looks like they were attempting to fit a square . This discussion raises the possibility that CIA had the capability to alter the Z Film. When asked, George H.W. Once youve seen the unspeakable act it captures, Morris says, your sense of stability and safety, your sense of the rationality of the world, has been forever lost. I like to play hard to get, and so, you will have to try your best and find me. But it would be a dozen years before most of the world would see Frame 313. We arrive now at frame 313. This is the detectives nightmare. Who shot JFK, Part 4: Zapruder film captures gunshots in Dealey Plaza This is also the precise moment when Jean is said to have looked into the direction of the Texas School Book Depository and saw Jack Ruby making his getaway. Readers can confirm this easily at any of the websites that feature individual frames and the sprocket holes. Regardless, I highly suggest you give it another review while reading this paper. Nevertheless, bootleg copies circulated, helping to generate the first wave of assassination conspiracy theories and Warren Commission critics. It would be nice if we could just look at the Zapruder film and say, Aha!, Frame 313, he says now, will always be at the center of the Zapruder film. Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit - Assassination Research For nearly 200 frames, some three dozen people on the bottom of the frame, or the north end of Elm Street, remain perfectly motionless. We see them all waving to onlookers as the motorcade heads for what was known locally as the triple underpass, an aptly metaphoric name for the tangle we will soon enter. On February 13, 1969 Zapruder said that he could not tell if frames Were missing from his film nor could he vouch for the film's chain of Or does it depict something that is not on the Z-film? So one recent morning over breakfast in the dining room of the hotel in New Yorks SoHo where Morris was staying, I sat down in front of his computer to watch the Zapruder film with him. You would need 10 seconds of continuous filming, almost twice the time it took for all the shots to occur, to see a 2 frame difference. . interval such that I could determine if any additional frames were missing. Its been called the most important 26 seconds of film in history: The 486 frames of 8-millimeter Bell + Howell home movie footage shot in the midday sun of Dallas on November 22, 1963, by a dressmaker named Abraham Zapruder.
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